You do realize that Global warming is an outdated term by now, because lots of places are also getting colder. And just because you can't see the water level rising doesn't mean its not rising.
Global warming/climate change Dosnt even deserve a proper name. I remember hearing this 10 or so years ago, "sea levels will rise by 10 feet by 2015". Hasn't happened.
You can't see the sea levels rising because they have only risen a bit. But it's obvious where I live that sea levels have risen. The water has been slowly making it's way up the beach, and almost 20 meters of beach has now been lost.
Can you see yourself grow every day? No. Can you see others grow every day? No. Can you see the ocean rise every day? No. Doesn't mean it's not rising.
What I'm saying is that the explosion of Krakatoa lowered Earth's temperature by about 3 degrees, I think.
al gore started this "global warming/climate change". He should be the one who knows everything about this.
You're the one hating him, shouldn't you know so you can support your argument in a way better then blaming him?
I didn't ask that. I asked for a credited scientific study that proves that the ocean should have risen by 10 feet in 2014.
Has the sea levels risen? No. If they were rising, why did Al gore buy a waterfront? We cant event predict the weather in 5 minutes, and people are predicting these sea level rises.
Oh your saying al gores movie is fake? (Which it is) Beauty! His stupid movie has so called "sciencetific evidence" (his own little mind) to prove its real.
Did you even watch the videos? I know the earth goes thorough warming and cooling periods, currently in a cooling period.
Once again, answer my question. Or don't, which proves you know absolutely nothing about this topic and should not be allowed to start a debate over it.