I delivered mine 2 days ago... So... Yeah. I don't know when we are supposed to pick our presents up but that sure will be fun.
I haven't decided. Leaning towards some really OP red pumps. One thing I do know is it probably won't be a diamond block.
There are currently 46 Santa's with empty chests. Please be aware that you have until the 24th at noon to drop off your gifts. Please do not reveal your name until people open their gifts Don't know what to get 'em? Explore their residence and posts! Or write them an unsigned letter from Santa.
Just like it said in the Stone Slable: If thou doth not giveth a gift, they shall not receiveth a gift.
I agree, no need to overthink it. For example, if you're my secret Santa just go grab a Valens or Saltar from your old chests and give it to me, I won't mind