[Gift Exchange] Secret Santa 2015

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Unoski, Nov 19, 2015.



Yes 64 vote(s) 92.8%
No 5 vote(s) 7.2%
  1. I don't know, what did you get me?
  2. I delivered mine 2 days ago... So... Yeah. I don't know when we are supposed to pick our presents up but that sure will be fun.
  3. We'll pick em up on the 24th from the same access chests.
  4. I haven't decided. Leaning towards some really OP red pumps. One thing I do know is it probably won't be a diamond block.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  5. Make them 10.5 please :D
    And for you a stack of coal, cause you've been a naughty king this year
  6. Oh ok. That's what I got last year too.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  7. They are kidding. :p
  8. There are currently 46 Santa's with empty chests. Please be aware that you have until the 24th at noon to drop off your gifts.
    • Please do not reveal your name until people open their gifts
    • Don't know what to get 'em? Explore their residence and posts! Or write them an unsigned letter from Santa. :)
    penfoldex likes this.
  9. Op covered that. :)
  10. Going off of EMC Time. ;)

    It's still the 23rd.
  11. I am so not ready for this...I failed as a secret santa, oh well :p
  12. You still have a little time. Go grab something out of your promo collection if you have to.
    607 likes this.
  13. Just like it said in the Stone Slable:
    If thou doth not giveth a gift, they shall not receiveth a gift.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  14. I agree, no need to overthink it. For example, if you're my secret Santa just go grab a Valens or Saltar from your old chests and give it to me, I won't mind :p
    ThaKloned likes this.
  15. 12 total people have not delivered their gift.
    SkareCboi likes this.
  16. :confused:
    Dufne, SteamingFire and tuqueque like this.