Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Chin Water.png

    EDIT: Oh, then I found this in my screenshots...
    Matheus Magic.png

    Another edit shortly after: I should just look through all my screenshots prior to this.
    Mob Arena Hug Corner.png
    HelloKittyRo, DWmom, Aphaea and 4 others like this.
  2. The power of hugs is real.
    lehmaqr, ShelLuser and just_five_fun like this.
  3. Corq and my hugs, although they may have died away at one time, still thrive on today. :)
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  4. Like human stupidity.
  5. You know, I laughed really hard and really loud at that.

    Then I realized it's true. :p
  6. Must have been stage. Might be almost a year ago already.
  7. Try as I might, I can't figure out what we were talking about.

    Whatever context you come up with is as good as any, I suppose.
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  8. is some exclusive footage of highlancer54 and me trolling a troll:
  9. Actually, "highlancer54 and me" was correct in this context. :)
  10. Bump! Love all of them!!
  11. 2015-02-13_23.59.23.png 2015-02-14_22.23.59.png 2015-02-15_19.12.33.png 2015-02-16_16.44.32.png I got some more.
  12. Ok, so I was recently on my old desktop and found these in the depths of it;

    Get prepared ready for incoming minty Krysyy!

  13. Wow I never knew krysyy was minty.
  14. You guys are too new:p Back when I joined, the entire current staff team (minus Davie) were just regular/supporter members, and not nearly as forum active as they are now.:p
  15. Actually I remember seeing the post about krysyy winning Minecon's costume contest and ICC had said are senior staff krysyy. I had forgot about that.
    top_benny and Krysyy like this.

  16. *grumbles and grunts incoherently about young whippersnappers*
    Twitch1, jkjkjk182 and ShelLuser like this.
  17. Krysyy is always watching.... MrSocks75 EMC Staff Gets Kicked.png
  18. One of the few things I actually remember on this thread. Didn't he horse glitch threw the wall and kill all the sheep in the area? Then ICC questioned him... ah good times...
  19. So I posted this as my status...

    and a few hours later in game, this happened

    This is one of the many reasons I love EMC :D