[forumgame] The New Era 2.0

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 72Volt, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. U.S.D Releases mysterious project to public eye.
    Nanotech Supersoldiers have been created, Project designation "ProphTech" reactions of U.S.D Citizens vary greatly.
    "ProphTech" Suits are patented and copyrighted in literally every way you could ever think of.
    Soldiers named "Prophets"
    mba2012 likes this.
  2. I meant studying/researching. Im tired xD

    Switz offers to start a project with Italia to study this element further
  3. Random question, have you got the panama canal yet?
  4. U.S.D Accepts on the terms that Panama has no quarrel with Japan, as Japan has been an Ally of U.S.D for a long time.
  5. Anglendia is becoming increasingly worried about some of the technologies being developed and would like a peace treaty between the U.S.D and Anglendia.

    Anglendish Airways changes their name to Anglendian Airway as it sounds better :p
  6. Switzerland Considers the project underway and is waiting for further instructions
  7. U.S.D Happily accepts the Peace treaty, but emphasizes that Nano-Weaponry will not be shared.

    Mars colony terraforming research has a breakthrough. Bio domes planned to be implicated on Mars for long-term human living.
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. Switz makes a major breakthrough in Eridium and discovers that it produces twice as much power than nuclear energy and lasts for 5 times as long! Switz begins further testing immediately. No comments about the potentional of the energy was made
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. U.S.D Warns that when used in the form of energy. Eridium radiation is incredibly unstable and its radioactivity increases Ten-Fold over the course of a week.
  10. With these recent discoveries about Eridium Anglendia begins researching it as a use for weaponry. They also begin looking for a way to reduce the radioactivity of Eridium.
  11. Yes it would be in best interest that Italia, Switz, and Japan research this as this could be a very serious problem and people in the U.S.D. could be affected.
  12. Switz reminds USD that when combined with weedkiller Eridium becomes harmless
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. U.S.D Notices increased use of Eridium and being its Discoverer, begins working on a treatment for its affects. Research excels.
    U.S.D Claims to want absolutely no part in any Eridium studies from this point on, and will consider Eridium brought onto its soil an act of war.

    U.S.D Terraforms a large portion of Mars to sustain life.
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. Italia is upset by the fact most cities in other nations are not getting improvements and new buildings.
    We are also upset that U.S.D. has already started to colonize Mars without looking into the "Extrial" problem.
  15. ((Extrial is still a problem...))
  16. Panama indeed has had no quarrel with Japan and in fact has been working closely with Japan since the implementation of our trade pact.
  17. U.S.D Assures measures have been taken to prevent any harm caused by "Extrial" to occur. Terraforming has occured where Extrial is least abundant almost to the point of non-existence.
  18. U.S.D Accepts ! But emphasizes that Nano-Technology will not be shared.
  19. Cow Land pulls back all of it's War Cows back to Cow Land.

    Cow Land starts researching in Nuclear fuel/ bombs.
  20. U.S.D Begins to stockpile Nuclear missiles for defense.
    Preparation for a second large satellite to be sent into space. Satellite has been designated "Archangel" and is rumored to be merged with previous satellite. Previous Satellite name revealed to be "Red Star"