Extrial is different from Eridium... They are not similar by any means because they have different components.
U.S.D Claims it will continue colonization of Mars, but halt the expanding across the planet, in order that they do not go near more Extrial Nano-Organic weaponry in testing. Rumors of a living aircraft surface.
Extrial will be sent to the U.S.D. in a probe. If you wish we can give it to one of the U.S.D's facilities on Mars. As for some portions of the research.... It is a very hard metal and can not be smelted down. It is difficult to dispose of because it is radioactive.
BREAKING NEWS: Switz scientists have discovered that the Eridium used in testing for a self-sustaining power source hase chemically reacted and has turned into Extrial. All traces of Eridium and Extrial have been incinerated and the laboratory demolished. Switz officials deny any comments about how or why this incident occured.
U.S.D Does not wish for Extrial to touch its soil. U.S.D Requests the samples be sent to a new research facility that has been build on mars. U.S.D Does not wish to reveal what it will do with the samples.
That is a rethorical statement because all the facilities are on U.S.D. soil. We are awaiting for a response.
U.S.D Clarifies that it wishes its samples to be sent to the facility on mars. U.S.D Apologizes for the foolishness of its leader. Existence of an Organic Aircraft has been confirmed. Aircraft named "Organic Air Assault Craft" or O.A.A.C pronounced OAK.
Study is started on Extrial. Research shows that while Extrial cannot be melted. When frozen it becomes brittle and shatters into sharp bits. U.S.D eagerly continues research on Extrial. O.A.A.C are shown to be extremely proficent in combat and at making snap adjustment in hostile situations. O.A.A.C's are mass produced. O.A.A.C's are shown to have extreme Loyalty to the U.S.D. Their creators.
BREAKING NEWS Photos and graphs from New Beginning have come back showing that there is no animals on Titan and it is in fact covered with Tropical Jungles. The Space ship is sent to Titan carrying French, English, and Italian astronauts to put the Anglendia flag down. On a related subject work towards a satellite is in process.
U.S.D implicates constant O.A.A.C patrols along its borders, along with current AA weaponry and Nuclear weaponry. U.S.D Leader makes a public statement to assure uneasy citizens that this is only a precaution. U.S.D Citizens rest easy knowing that any nation that declares war on the U.S.D is in a lot of trouble. U.S.D begins implicating Planet-Planet weaponry based of of Extrial. So that the Mars colony will have adequate protection.