[forumgame] The New Era 2.0

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 72Volt, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. U.S.D notices slight tension between nations.
    Anti-Missile Systems are installed on coastlines.

    Nanoparticle fabric research has shown definite military applications. Voluntary Human testing has begun.
  2. Italia is building a hall of leaders where all the leaders of nations will meet. We hope all leaders would come when a conference is scheduled.
  3. The Geneva conference was just laying down the rules of war such as no killing medics and things like that.
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. Anglendia would like to join the research and development efforts for nanoparticle fabric. Our extremely high tech Toulouse complex could be very useful.
  5. Just saying, were still in the 1980's >_<
  6. Ok then, Anglendia agrees on a Geneva Conference.
  7. Hey, we decide what happens, and we decided to accelerate the development of technologies.
  8. Italia asks France for materials to complete the project quicker.
  9. ((WW2 anyone? Nope.avi))
  10. U.S.D Accepts its seat at the hall of leaders. Nations Leader makes public announcement of this event.
    U.S.D makes small strides in Nano-Tech.
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. France begins preparing shipments for Italia.

    And the satellite designed to study dark matter has finally been launched. To support this scientists in Toulouse propose to build a particle accelerator. This would help study the creating of the Universe and possibly dark matter.
  12. U.S.D Agrees to a joint research project. Nano-Fabric samples are sent to Anglendia.
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. Italia asks for more leaders to accept their seats at the hall.
  14. Japan finds a rare metal in the ruins of north japan. It is believed to be a mixture of Eridium and heated exploding Eridium. It is called for now Eridium squared.
    Japan's seat is also accepted.
  15. Testing on Japanese engines has been completed. The test results will be published shortly.
  16. Italia would be more than willing to do so. Where would this be built? I think Monaco because it is close to the state of France and many scientists are in that city.
  17. Japan launches a satellite into orbit.
    mba2012 likes this.
  18. It is better to keep it away from the ocean due to unstable soil. France proposes building it in the French Alps.
  19. Continuing research on Nano-Tech. U.S.D takes part of the project away from the public eye, new project designated "System X". Few outside of U.S.D leaders know of the purpose of said project.
    "System X" Becomes publicly renowned akin to that of Area 51.
    mba2012 likes this.
  20. Japan attempts to make a super soldier.