[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. It was started in like January.
  2. Transmission: We can see about 100 pirate ships coming in, they are getting closer, we have have the tanks shooting at them, but assistance is needed urgently. Over and out.
  3. It was only started in January...
  4. My time perception is strange
    princebee and jacob5089 like this.
  5. Bricktopia will send wizards to help once the place of transmission is revealed.
  6. The ships containing the citizens of what was once Rhodinia continue to drift about in deep space. No planets that are habitable have been located yet
  7. Potencia understands not using the slipspace drive and instead installs it on its own moon for safety purposes because empires with greedy eyes might look to our moon. Potencia also prepares 400 Red-tails, 540 Falchions, and 170 Broadswords for the mission. We replace the standard gunpowder-rocket pods with Hermes missile pods. We also attach mini versions of the 100 mm autocannons used on spacecraft onto the aircraft. We also prepare 20 cruisers, 50 destroyers and 40 frigates for a journey that is months long.
  8. Potencia sends 50 cruisers, 70 destroyers and 100 frigates to defend Manatron. Potencia also releases photos of the planet and the solar system.
  9. Bricktopia meant to save the slip space drives energy for travel into the next dimension. Not "Don't Install a sip space drive" We are sorry for the confusion.
    Hello Citizens of Rhodinia! I am the leader of Bricktopia! We heard word that your citizens are looking for a new planet to thrive on! We have a solution! In our solar system, Cyrus Maximus, we have 4 planets that are habitable! If wanted our wizards can teleport your ships to our planet! We are awaiting your response! [TRANSMISSION ENDED, RADIO ADDRESS BEING SENT]
  11. New Dawn arrives near Potencia. Our building robots have started building a shipyard, a barracks and a command center. The total number of crewmen, pilots, officers, Marines, soldiers, and engineers amounts to 80,000 people. In other news: Adminium mining production has increased. We now mine 1,000 pounds a day. Potencia's population now hits 2 billion. The spies sent to the rogue planet send a progress report:
    [X] Find information on the "High Protection Fleet of Justice"
    [X] Set up a radio beacon in government building
    [] Capture any military personnel if possible
    The High Protection Fleet of Justice is a massive fleet guarding this planet. It consists of 300 ships: 100 carriers, 150 destroyers, and 50 cruisers. It is commanded by an ex-Potencian navy officer. The fleet only guards the side of the planet that has the capital on it. If we perform a slipspace jump that leads to the other side of the planet, we can hit them with an adminium bomb and they won't even know it.
  12. We take slipspace drives in our laboratories and install them 20 feet under New Dawn's to act as a generator.
  13. Rhodinia's citizens thank bricktopia for their generosity, but we decline the offer. We are looking for a planet that is habitable, but out of the reach of any other planet.
  14. Bricktopia is pleased by this and sends a few wizards to help with the attack. We send them via teleport. Also in other news the space bridge is complete. Jacob's Planet and Bricktopia are now connected via this bridge.
  15. Potencia tells Rhodinia to stay away from the Black Day system. It still has high levels of radiation from the adminium missile. Potencia Fleet Command wonders what is happening at Manatron. Potencia offers Rhodinia a larger ship until they find a colony.
  16. If this is what you are looking for I would suggest going into another dimesion to find a new home.
  17. ((Awkward moment when I edited it but you replied to the original))
  18. Larger ship unneccesary as the entire planet's population is on over one hundred ships
  19. The High wizards begin to perform the spell to teleport the moon again. This shall only take mere minutes because the magic of the moon is so strong, the moon supplies itself with enough energy.
  20. ((LOL yea.. still sent them now teleporting :p))