[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. I send dark matter missiles to help.
  2. The dark matter missile strikes a squadron of cruisers, obliterationg them all. The second missile strikes the enemy flagship, but the enemy activates an energy shield and protects itself from most of the damage. Out of the original 45 sent to attack Potencia, 28 remain. Out of the 320 defending Potencia, 285 remain. A brave battalion of soldiers crashes a Saber dropship into the enemy flagship. They carry most of Potencia's stockpile of refined Adminium. They fight their way to the engine room, place the adminium near the engine, set a detonator on the 5 tons of adminium, and run. After successfully escaping from the ship in the damaged Saber, they give the detonator a green light. The flagship explodes into a million pieces. Sine the majority of their fleet is destroyed or disabled, the pirates retreat. Potencia sends 25 destroyers and 15 cruisers to pursue the fleet. They destroy 13 ships, so now the enemy fleet is numbered at 9 battleships. The squadron turns back as they reach the outer asteroid belt, not too far from where the same pirates raided the freighter 8 years earlier. The Potencians had won this battle. But we need to pursue them, all the way back to Black Day!
  3. Total damage reports of Battle of Potencia:
    Casualties: 40 battleships: 10 destroyers, 5 cruisers, and 25 frigates
    4,000 KIA, 150 MIA, 7,000 wounded.
    Damage to battleships:
    15% of electronics must be replaced due to nuclear EMP
    Over 15 tons of Titanium-A battle plate must be fitted back onto ships
    240 of 280 ships must be weapon refitted
    Out of the original stockpile of 6.5 tons of adminium, 1.3 tons remain.
    Out of original number of 1,250 Red-tails, 678 remain.
    Out of original number of 975 Sabers, 900 remain.
    Out of original number of 3,460 Falchions, 2986 remain.
    Out of original number of 585 Blue Lightnings, 464 remain.
    Total costs of battle: 15,678,923,479 dollars

    The Potencian congress decides to build 3 new cruisers and 5 destroyers and send the company to Black Day and use a small adminium missile to destroy the planet.
  4. Bricktopia accepts and designates some wizards and architects to design a modern with a hint of magic bridge.
    Bricktopia also ask Potencia if they want their moon (Assuming you have a moon base already...) to be teleported to Bricktopia so your space ships can reach Black Day even quicker.
  5. Bricktopia is upset by the fact you are paying so much for war. To help aid the cost, Bricktopia reveals that on our planet there are several deposits of raw gems. Each cave is priced around 50,000,000,000 each. We send a team of gem miners to dig out one of these and send all the gems to Potencia so they can be changed into currency. This will take 2 years.
  6. Manatron requests alliance with Bricktopia. Will send 10 new DM battleships if accepted.
    Manatron sent sends 1000 worker robots to Potencia to help reuild.
  7. Potencia greatly thanks Manatron and Bricktopia for the gems and worker robots. All damaged ships are repaired in 2 weeks, and most ships are rebuilt. A small adminium missile is built from the remaining 1.3 tons. It will be carried by a company of 3 cruisers and 5 destroyers to Black Day. Potencian scientists reveal 2 new technologies to aid them. Since Black Day is almost 12 light years away from Potencia, it will take almost 3 weeks to reach Black Day and destroy it. But scientists have been working day and night for 7 months to develop a new type of engine. It is a slipspace drive. It focuses a large amount of energy in one tiny point and opens a portal to the smallest dimensions of the universe (Instead of our normal four: time, length, width, depth). This causes you to travel at faster-than-light speed. We have practiced jumps, and we can perform accurate jumps. We can travel at 20 light years a day, meaning it will only take around 12 hours to reach Black Day. The other technology is a new light armored vehicle. It carries 3 passengers: a driver, a gunner, and a passenger. It makes traveling around off-road faster.
  8. Here is the model of our light armored vehicle:

    Blueprints are being sent to Manatron and Q73F-3JS9 so they can build them.
  9. Potencia kindly declines, since we now have a slipspace drive.
  10. Report on the attack on Black Day:
    The company entered slipspace as they reached the outer asteroid belt. No one could see anything outside as they entered slipspace. The crew began working on guiding the navigation system to the point where they wanted to exit the jump. The small adminium missile was loaded onto a special Broadsword planetary interceptor. This Broadsword was armed to the teeth with 4 machine guns, missiles, and the ability to carry 6 tons of bombs. It also uses Titanium-A battleplate, which is the same stuff Potencia uses in the construction of battleships. It would take an estimated 5 Falchions to destroy the Broadsword. After 12 hours of reviewing drills, eating, and sleeping, the company arrived at Black Day. The name Black Day wasn't kidding- the entire planet's sunlight was blocked out by another planet the size of Potencia. The pirates seemed confused, then shocked as they viewed 8 battleships appearing out of nowhere. The only thing left of the pirate fleet was about 6 frigates, 2 destroyers and 1 carrier. The carrier was useless in this mission. The Potencian flagship rammed into the 2 destroyers head-on. The other cruisers began a salvo of Accelerator Cannon shots that took out 4 frigates. Another destroyer fired half of its supply of Hermes missiles and blew up the carrier. The pirates finally began to fight back. They used their last two frigates and began firing their missiles at us. They hit a destroyer and only slightly damaged it. But the pirates didn't notice the cruiser opening its hangar doors. They didn't see the tiny speck shooting across the sky. And the last thing they saw was the company entering slipspace with the Broadsword back on the cruiser, and the flash of light as Black Day exploded behind them.
  11. Q73F-3JS9 builds hot air balloons to travel through the countryside of the planet.
  12. ((Hopefully your talking bout my planet ;) because I am trying to stay away from tech but low level tech like a hot air balloon is very much allowed))
    Hh--hh-hello? Can anyone hear me??? This is the leader of Bricktopia speaking! We just heard news that you defeated the space pirates with a big bang!! We are pleased that you not only destroyed their planet but,the rest of their fleet! There is one very big problem.. Black Day is not only called Black Day because there are sinister people on the planets, it is also called Black Day because yes a planet blocks the 'star' around it. This causing it to become very dark. In fact there is no star in that solar system, it's a black hole. And you say that light was being blocked, it never was that, the planets around the black hole face all there light in that direction. You see there is a long and complex story about this on Bricktopia, as the leader it is my duty to tell. A long time ago there was a wizard named Gargamele who despised everything on Bricktopia - because it is a utopia. So he researched some dark magic that only few knew of. He then practiced the dark arts and began to create a horrible spell that wreak havoic on any solar system for the core within. He then was caught researching how to cast such a large spell by one of my close friends. I then asked him why would you do this? He said because I am evil to the core. I couldn't do anything to stop him from casting the spell but I could reflect it out of this solar system. And as we watched a normal solar system become as evil as the night, we decided that we would try to help defeat the evil as much as possible. Thank you for listening, if you have any questions just ask. [TRANSMISSION ENDED, RETURN ADDRESS BEING SENT]
  14. Potencia has sent a representative on a diplomatic shuttle to Bricktopia to hear the full story of Gargamele and Black Day.
  15. [TRANSMISSION START] [SENDER: FALCHION SECTION IV] [RECEIVER: POTENCIA FLEETCOM] [TIME: T+ 234 HOURS AFTER BLACK DAY INCIDENT] This is Falchion Section IV reporting. We returned to Black Day to see if radiation was still contaminating the planet and the system. Radiation levels are still high, but suitable if wearing a radiation suit. We started to navigate the pieces of the planet that were drifting around the system. Ruins of buildings still stood on the bits. We raided them to see if we could find any information. As we cam across a medium-sized office building, we found radio gear with a transmission still going. Our engineer tuned into the frequency to listen to the message. We patched up the signal, this is what we have so far:
    "........(white noise)....... Hello? This is the High Commander of the Black Day Fleet! We're under attack at outpost Sigma 7.......(white noise)... They've got 8 capital ships! We only have 9 medium ships! We're losing it! No! Our make-shift flagship just exploded!.......We need..... Have the High Protection Fleet of Justice on stand-by! We need to..... (A large explosion noise is heard and an immense cracking noise. This presumably is the adminium missile striking Black Day.)

    From this signal we know that there are other Pirate fleets bigger than the one that assaulted Potencia. This also means there are more pirates than we ever thought there were. We will track the radio signal and see where it sends to.
  16. The representative has been received. The entire story has been learned by him. Gargamele could still very well be alive, we think he may have gone through the black hole into another evil, vile dimension. Black Day almost instantly turned evil after the spell and no one else has learned the spell in fear of becoming the speaker of Gargamele.
  17. Our scientists are trying figure out a way to travel through slipspace into the black hole because the black hole may exist in the slipspace dimensions. In the mean time, the signal found at Black Day has been traced to a rogue planet 20 light-years away from Potencia. A spec-ops team of spies are being sent to board a rogue cargo freighter bound for the planet. Their mission: Find information on the "High Protection Fleet of Justice", mark the main government building with a radio beacon, and capture any military personnel if possible. Engineers are also improving the old Artemis and Caesar spacecraft designs. The upgrades and refits for old ships will take 2 weeks, and the building of the new designs will take another month.
  18. Bricktopia believes it is time...
    Bricktopia begins to work on a spell that can create planets and moons out of thin air. This is similar to Q73F-3JS9 in there planet maker but is controlled by the mind of the wizards casting the spell. Yes copies can theorictically be made but it would be extremely difficult. Spell will be complete in 2 years. The new moon will be a base of commands for Potencia because we will teleport it to Potencia then to Black Day. We shall call this moon, New Dawn.
    Oh, almost forgot, a slip space drive should be installed into the moon itself so you can slip into the slip space dimension through the black hole. You need a base of commands there don't you?
  19. The refits for old ships are finished. Here is the design for our new Helios frigate and our new Augustus destroyer.
    Length: 535 meters
    Width: 199 meters
    Height: 112 meters
    Hull: 60 centimeters of Titanium-A battle plate
    Engine: Deuterium nuclear fusion reactor
    Slipspace drive? Yes
    10 Falchion insterstellar fighters
    5 Broadsword planetary interceptors
    15 Saber dropships
    2 Blue Lightning interior atmosphere bombers
    5 Red-tail EVA aircraft
    100 mm point-defense guns
    1 Mass Accelerator Cannon
    40 Hermes missile pods (30 missiles each)

    Length: 600 meters
    Width: 204 meters
    Height: 117 meters
    Hull: 2 meters of Titanium-A battle plate
    Engine: Deuterium nuclear fusion reactor (2)
    Slipspace drive? Yes
    15 Falchion interstellar fighters
    8 Broadsword planetary interceptors
    15 Saber dropships
    4 Blue Lightning interior atmosphere bombers
    10 Red-tail EVA aircraft
    100 mm point-defense guns
    2 Mass Accelerator Cannons
    1 CHAOS-class Nuclear Warhead
    50 Hermes missile pods (25 missiles each)
  20. Bricktopia would like to see a picture of this beast to help understand how war like it is. (How awesome really :p) Also we have yet heard a response on Potencia taking New Dawn into the dimension (read my previous post please :p).