[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Potencia has decided to elect a Congress. There are 5 houses. The Congress will decide whether to use anti-gravity bombs, dark matter missiles, or any type of mass destruction explosives. There has to be a 3 out of 5 majority for sending excess military, medical, resource, or misc. help to another planet. All houses have to agree to use mass destruction explosives to eliminate a threat. If war should come, Congress is temporarily replaced by the Commander of the Navy, Commander of the Navy, and Commander in Chief.
    Potencia is also developing an accelerator cannon to defend the planet and ships. (The research and building of one will take 8 months.
  2. Small veins of adminium have been found on Potencia's moon. Potencia builds a mining facility, along with a military base and a military academy there. (2 years to build it all).
  3. Planet Name: Manatron
    Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic) Robotics
    Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful) Peaceful unless provoked
    Planet Number: 815
    Other Notes: All inhabitants are highly trained engineers and are currently building up an army of robots to protect the home planet and friendly planets, although the robots are strong, they have low health
  4. Accepted, welcome!
    Alliance sent to Manatron, and we will send Dark Matter samples and missiles if accepted.

    In other news... War is declared against Potencia, and soldiers are sent on starships (which were meant to fly :p) to attack.
  5. Accepted. Sent small force of robots.
  6. Robots are received, and some are reverse engineered so that we may mass produce them and aid Manatron in case of an attack, as well as for defense.
  7. Welcome! Potencia sent an Artemis-class frigate to defend Manatron. 3 tons of refined steel are sent in an Eris-class freighter along with an alliance.
  8. Adminium mining facility, miliitary base and academy are up and running. 2 corps are being trained to increase army size. Adminium is being mined, we currently have 2,000 pounds. Scientists are researching ways to refine Adminium ore into an explosive.
  9. Accepted. Sent 500 new Dark Matter Drones to Potencia. Manatron now mass producing Dark Matter Drones.
  10. Potencia thanks Manatron for the drones. Potencia is increasing navy size from 100 frigates, 125 destroyers and 50 cruisers to 150 frigates, 175 destroyers, and 95 cruisers for a total of 420 battleships defending Potencia and its allies. Construction of new ships will now only take 5 months thanks to newly developed construction robots that work 5x faster than a human and never tires: it works 24/7.
  11. Mining industry at Manatron discovered Dark Matter core!
  12. Armies are increased, and soldiers' DNA is fused with Dark Matter to make then stronger. Fuel for ships are also injected with Dark Matter, making them use less and fly farther and faster. 50 new spaceships are sent to defend Manatron, and encounter Potencia's frigate. We stay neutral against the frigate unless provoked.
  13. Manatron is grateful for the spaceships.
  14. [TRANSMISSION START] [CODE: RED] [ENCRYPTION KEY: JUNO] Sergeant Jagg reporting at Scan Outpost Kappa. Our radar detects 3 large masses moving towards Sigma Octanus System. X-Ray scans show that they are some sort of spacecraft. Masses are moving in-system......... No. This can't be. They aren't 3 large masses, it's 45 masses that blended together to form 3 masses. Checking sources...... This can't be. Hull design matches those of the pirate boarding ships seen a few years ago. The ones that killed everyone, took everything, and left no evidence. They're here. Attacking Potencia. 25 of the spacecraft are twice as big as a destroyer and they have guns of a cruiser. 10 are the size of Science base Alpha. The other 10 are their troop carriers. It looks like they could fit an entire corps in there. No...... NO! They're heading towards Outpost Kappa! They're going to attack us! They're here! Have everyone in battle positions! They're...... Th...... (A scream is heard followed by the same language heard in the freighter) Doud tos dwy slange!

    Potencia is under attack.
  15. Potencia calls back the frigate stationed at Manatron, telling it to get back here ASAP. All soldiers on ships are in battle positions. A corps is mobilized to defend Potencia's capital. 2 other corps are being mobilized onto spacecraft to board the enemy's ships. A regiment is being sent to Science base Alpha. A battalion is being devoted to boarding the enemy spacecraft. Falchion pilots are prepped and ready for launch. Nuclear DEFCON level set at 2. Red-tails are being prepared for combat. Broadswords are ready to bomb enemy dropships. Bombs are being loaded onto Blue Lightnings for destroying enemy bases.
  16. Bricktopia is worried and sends a team of wizards that can destroy the pirates that come from a rouge planet. Bricktopia also mentions that the pirates come from a rouge planet a few solar systems away from ours, Cyrus Maximus, they come from solar system Black Day, a very sinister solar system.
  17. ((Dimention is spelt Dimension...))
  18. Bricktopia is becoming very lonely in Cyrus Maximus and hopes other planets can be colonized. There are six planets and four a habitable for life.
    In Other News:
    Bricktopia begins work on a spell that can teleport another's planet elsewhere! This is very similar to the spell used to teleport people and organisms but requires a special ingredient! This can be used to teleport allies to and from other allies. Note: This can work with moons also.
  19. Q73F-3JS9 sends ships to the ruins of the former Q73F-3JS9 and sees f they can salvage anything more after 50 years. (My planet was destroyed then was recreated with a planet maker- still the same planet, just a copy. The other one is just ruins now.
    My planet asks bricktopia if they wish to make a space bridge connecting our planets.
  20. Black Day must be destroyed. Right now, the enemy pirate ships have breached Potencia's defensive position and are sending ground troops to attack our cities. Pirates are attempting to take over the lunar adminium mine. If this happens, there will be no stopping them. Out of the 45 ships sent to attack Potencia, 36 remain. Out of the 320 ships guarding Potencia, 297 remain. Blue Lightning bombers are trying to stop the enemy before they reach Potencia's main mining city. A Falchion containing a fireteam was crashed into an enemy cruiser. They bravely fought and took control of the ship. When they had control, they rammed the ship into 2 other cruisers. The one they piloted was heavily damaged and the two other cruisers exploded. They courageously fought their way out of the ship, implanted a nuclear bomb, escaped on an enemy starcraft, and detonated the bomb. The EMP of the nuke took out 34% of electronics on 4 other enemy ships. The enemy starcraft will be studied to see if we can use it. Red-tails are constantly fighting other enemy craft. A broadsword interceptor was sent to mark a troop carrier for an Accelerator Cannon shot. Not only did the shot split the carrier in half, but it also struck a cloaked target: A huge ship, 4x the size of a cruiser, appeared as the cannon shot hit it. The ship headed towards Potencia. Bricktopia's wizards arrived and they are defending Potencia's capital. They have valiantly fought and have killed at least an entire regiment of pirates. Potencia is in a great debt to Bricktopia.