[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Potencia accepts alliance. 10 crossbow-wielding tigers are sent in a cargo-freighter. I will ask what the name of your planet is, so I can easier help you. Potencia also begins building a mining facility for new minerals.
  2. A request of friendship is sent to princebee and his Citadel. 2 tons of refined steel and a refitted Eris-class cargo frigate are sent as a gift. Potencia also develops a new type of ship with a new type of technology: A Caesar-class destroyer. The destroyer is now the Potencia navy flagship. It contains artificial intelligence that will do the majority of navigation and weapons checks without human error. Plans for both the destroyer and the AI are sent to our allies. Here is the current model for the spacecraft:
  4. Accepted
  5. Reports have found that the Eris-class cargo frigate never made it to Princebee. It was found sabotaged in an asteroid belt approximately 4 light-years away from Potencia.
    Cargo status: Missing
    AI status: Missing
    Crew status: Missing or dead
    Weapons status: The frigate's 200 mm machine guns for protection against boarding craft are disabled.
    A transmission signal was left here: [TRANSMISSION START] [CODE: RED] Help! We're being boarded! They're taking everyhting! NO! They've killed the Captain! They're..... They're........ (An unidentified language is being spoken.) Dyw hemyl sal ons beloon!
    A squad of Falchion interstellar fighters is being sent to investigate.
  6. The Falchions send a message stating that it appears that pirates boarded the ship...... except for that strange language at the end of the transmission. Our translators have matched it with no known language, except for some words that sound like Afrikaans. This is what we have so far:
    "Dyw heavens* will praise us!
    It could be interpreted that "Dyw" means "The". This means it was saying "The heavens will praise us!"
    *Roughly translated.
    [TRANSMISSION START] [ENCRYPTION CODE: YELLOW] [SUBJECT: N/A] Lieutenant Hall reporting. We found no survivors near the wreck. We checked the nearby asteroids, but nothing was found. Our scientists got some DNA samples of whatever in heck boarded that ship. We suspect pirates, but nothing we know of speaks that language. Pirates also would have their name written all over this, but there is nothing at all. No footprints, no ransom notes, no messages, nothing. We will get this DNA to Science base Alpha ASAP.
    Hall, out.
  7. Bricktopia finishes the spells for Floating Islands and Dragons! We introduce the dragons to Bricktopia as pets (like in a certain game we all play) and the Floating Islands will be a nice addition to the environment.
  8. Dragonvale?
    Q73F-3JS9 wonders what happened to all the other planets.
  9. Science base Alpha says that the DNA is of a new species. The matrix slightly resembles reptilian and avian DNA. It also contained highly deadly diseases, such as a mutated form of the Avian Flu, SARS, and HIV. They name the animal infirmabantur pirata, which means "diseased pirate". Potencia shipyards also begin mass producing Caesar-class destroyers to protect Potencia from this pirate.
  10. Perhaps the disease destroyed most of them and they are in hibernation. Luckily Potencia stayed off of navigation lists so we stayed away from where the disease spread. It gave us time to grow strong before someone could attack us. Potencia also sends a request of friendship Q73F-3JS9 along with 2 tons of titanium battleplate as a gift. This time, it is escorted by a destroyer so the pirates don't get it.
  11. Yes and Dragon Cave ;)
  12. Potencia begins experimenting with a new type of fuel. Called deuterium, or "heavy hydrogen", it can be used as a fuel that is 100x stronger than our current pressurized methane fuel. Hydrogen atoms can also be fused together and create deuterium, creating a fusion reactor. This new reactor powers our cities. Since we stopped using fossil fuels, global warming has dropped significantly. Potencia feels quite lonely here in the Sigma Octanus system. There are no other colonized planets, and the only messages we have heard in days are from the Citidel, Bricktopia, Q73F-3JS9, and Panem.
  13. Bricktopia is sad by this and teleports a puppy and dragon to Potencia to end this sadness.
  14. Potencia thanks Bricktopia for this. Potencia in turn sends a cute puppy.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  15. Aperture is back after a LONG break...
    A gun made to create and control black holes is in development.
  16. Potencia has begun research of a new type of missile, named the Hermes missile. They contain a high explosive that is a mix of blackpowder, sulfur, and a new chemical called "pastite", which is a very high explosive. Pods containing 10 Hermes missiles will be fitted onto our ships. We also have begun the construction of one of the greatest ships created by Potencians: a cruiser. This will take about a year to build.
  17. Potencia sends friendship to Aperture. We also will give you some blueprints for building spacecraft. Potencia sends an Artemis-class frigate containing blueprints for constructing Artemis-class frigates and Caesar-class destroyers, along with 5 tons of wheat as a gift.
  18. Aperture accepts the gifts but turns down the wheat, mainly because robots don't need to eat wheat.
  19. Meh. The radioactivity actually enhances the deadliness of all Dark Matter missiles, and our Dark Matter is tested to see if we can create radioactivity-proof armor. ETA for completion 1 year.
  20. Potencia ends alliance with Panem. Reason: Panem was at war with another ally, the Citidel. Panem seems like the more aggressive one and used child labor in the past.
    In other news:
    Potencia finally develops a cruiser battleship. Measuring in at 1,190 meters long and 293 meters wide, it is the largest battleship ever built by Potencians. It has 1.91 m. of Titanium battleplate. Its complement and arnament:
    20 Falchion interstellar fighters
    15 Broadsword planetary interceptors
    Dozens of Saber dropships
    Blue Lighting interior atmosphere bombers
    10 Red-tail EVA aircraft
    42 Hermes missile pods (30 missiles each)
    100 mm point-defense guns
    Potencia has also began using deuterium fusion reactors as the engine.
    The cruiser's name is the Apollo.