[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Is this better?
  2. Planet Name: Bricktopia
    Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic) Magic and Organics
    Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful) Peaceful, has a defensive nature.
    Planet Number: #1337
    Other Notes: (No OP stuff) Bricktopia is very well guarded and safe from other planets and ships. There is a planetary shield that is always up (there are ways through) that helps with this. We try to stay away from Robotics as much as possible seeing as we want to be peaceful.
  3. Please define how it is "safe". Do you mean the shield?
  4. Yes. and because of guards around it.
  5. The Citidel Requests to be Allies with Bricktopia.
  6. No, where were most of your population when the 20 ADMINIUM WARHEADS hit the planet?!?
  7. The superships containing all of the population of the former planet of Rhodinia continue to drift about in space. Everyone was rescued before the virus hit the planet. Approximate time to continue drifting: 2,000 years
  8. Bricktopia accepts with the condition that no technology be brought to Bricktopia.
  9. The Citidel requests to slightly infringe that, only once, to send Bricktopia this
  10. I put a spell on the mechanical beast and turn into a real pup!
  11. Bricktopia begins looking towards creating floating islands and bring dragons into our world! The spells will be complete in 12 years because they require special ingredients.
  12. Planet Name: Potencia (power in Latin)
    Planet Orientation: Robotic Military
    Planet Relationship: Neutral-Peaceful
    Planet Number: #16
    Other Notes: Potencia is an empire consisting of 4 colonies, and we keep growing. We like to be peaceful and make friends but we will go to war if necessary. To offer friendship to all, we will start distributing tigers wielding crossbows to all allies. Here is our latest prototype:
  13. :eek:Bricktopia is both scared and confused what to make of this... :eek::confused:
  14. Note: Our tigers use organic titanium-A battleplate infused under the skin for armor. We also use an alloy of vanadium and titanium to make our crossbows. Crossbows can launch explosive, shredder, anti-matter, dark matter, and invisible bolts.
  15. Potencia offers friendship to Bricktopia to ease the confusion and fear.
  16. Bricktopia declines because you are a robotic based planet. Maybe in the future over good terms we can have friendship... With adorable puppies!!
  17. Oh, did I say robotic? Snap! What I really meant was technological, but not super robotic. Also, Potencia sends a company of soldiers and a Paris-class frigate to explore the surrounding solar system for resources and dark matter.
  18. After 3 months of exploring, Alpha Explorer team finds a dark matter deposit. An anti-gravity harvester is built along with a science base. This deposit should be enough either for 20 dark matter missiles, 15 invisible missiles, or 1 anti-gravity bomb. Potencia adds a complimentary robotic puppy:
  19. Puppies for the win!!! Bricktopia can find some spells that can help further find dark matter.
  20. Oh, that...
    The warheads hit some of Panem's vital resources, and others... just miss. 100 tons of wheat are destroyed, causing a moderate starvation throughout the country. We attempt to nuke you with dark matter.
    Request of 10 tiger-crossbowers sent to Potencia. Alliance is sent as well.