[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Panem sends out 20,000 soldiers (20% of entire army) to assist Rhodinia. The captain of the soldiers requests that you either send a letter of confirmation on the protection or send us 750 nuclear arms/some blueprints within 4 days or we withdraw our troops.
  2. Blueprints for a interplanetary nuclear missle and missle factory sent
  3. Good Job KingGeorge :rolleyes: You Released the Virus, which kills everyone. The Citidel's Prime Minister escapes with about 100 people, and board a Tank Ship. The Prime Minister quickly goes to Jacob's planet, and immunizes all of their people, and destroys the remaining Anti-Virus. It then takes it's population on 10 Stealth Ships, and we attempt to discover new Dimentions.
  4. Blueprints are received, and development of missile factories and nuclear missiles are started. ETA is 2 days
  5. All Non-Immunised Planets will be destroyed in 1 Day.
  6. I program the drones to build temporary housing for the 101 people from Princebee planet.
    Long lasting construction will be begun soon.
    I learn that kinggeorge launched many nukes.
    I realize he broke the rules of the treaty he designed.
    I finish the construction of my dark matter bomb.
    I launch it at kinggeorge's planet, followed by 20 more.
    A shield is erected around my planet.
  7. Plasma shield that has been in secret construction for a while is now finished
  8. This plasma shield won't stop the virus that was launched from the planet you completely destroyed.
  9. It does however stop the dark matter bomb which saves my planet temporarily

    1 ship, containing 20,000 people, is also launched on an unknown trajectory into outer space. Destination: none.
    This ship is sent as far away enough to escape the virus. I stay back on my home planet to help get more ships into space before the virus reaches it so that a maximum of people may survive
  10. You must alert Princebee of ANY secret projects.
  11. Never said that in the rules
  12. Scientists complete the factory early, and have spent the free time working on an immunization for the virus. They have made enough for about 70% of the population. Soldiers on Rhodinia work on creating more dark matter bombs for both Panem and Rhodinia.
  13. Another ship, larger than the last one, leaves Rhodinia for a different part of the universe to escape the virus.
    Amount of people on board: 47,600
  14. 87% of the population is immunized, and are helped onto giant Star Trek-like ships called Conveys (no, not convoys :p). All of the infected will be left on the planet, though they will be left with food and water.
  15. 5 more ships exactly like the very first one, are launched with 20,000 people each in them and sent to be scattered throughout the universe. All the ships that have been launched previously and now, plus later ships, are equipped with an autopilot like feature that will automatically have all the ships rendezvous together once the virus is completely gone so that they may find a new planet to live on
  16. Panem requests that our citizens may be migrated to the ships and for our ships currently holding our citizens to contain necessary tools and items for survival.
  17. 14 ships sent.
    Each contains enough room for your citizens and enough resources

    In other news,
    Just minutes before the virus hits Rhodinia, all the people on the planet are safely evacuated to the ships and scattered throughout the universe to escape the virus. I have also escaped
  18. I send my dark matter missiles to follow the ships.
  19. The citizens thank you very much!
    Nuclear missiles are sent to counterattack the dark matter missiles.