[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Yes. We originally thought a cruiser would be our base of commands and our flagship, but we don't know what kind of power or what kind of allies Gargamele has. A big enough slipspace drive to act as the core of the moon is being built. In the mean time, mass production of Helios and Augustus spacecraft is beginning. The spy team sent to the rogue planet send information. The apparent leader of the fleet stationed there was an ex-navy officer from another planet. He knows exactly how Potencia's defense and ships work, but he doesn't know about the new upgrades. Here is their progress report:
    [] Find information on "High Protection Fleet of Justice"
    [X] Mark enemy government building with a radio beacon
    [] Capture military personnel if possible
  2. Potencia accepts New Dawn for the trip. The slipspace drive is 40% complete. Here are pictures of the new spacecraft you requested:
    Destroyer: Frigate:
  3. Bricktopia is finished with the spell. The new moon has been created with regular oxygen and gravity. We are now teleporting it to Potencia as I speak. It should only take a month for it to be teleported there. When you are finished with putting all weapons and ships on it, we will teleport it to Black Day. We think wasting the slip space drives energy is not very good for this kind of travel. Here is a picture of the moon:
  4. Manatron thanks Potencia.
    Huge sources of adminium found on Manatron's 3rd moon, now developing a DM drill to harvest all of the adminium
  5. Bricktopia would like to share with everyone where Bricktopia is,
    Our star is the brightest one in this picture:
  6. Manatron has taken a picture from its 1st moon, here it is! The two bright lights in the background are those of our new DM Cameo cruisers.
  7. Bricktopia thinks your moon looks very well suited for Manatron.
  8. Bricktopia is waiting for Potencia's word...
  9. Manatron has found a cave on its 2nd moon FULL of frozen dragon eggs, currently getting examined by scientists back at Manatron
    jacob5089 likes this.
  10. Bricktopia would like some of these to try and raise them.
  11. Manatron will send eggs to Bricktopia once proven safe. What type of eggs would Bricktopia like?
  12. Maybe a snow dragon or ridgewing dragon.
  13. Manatron's eggs have had their first hatchling, a scientist drew a sketch of the baby dragon
    jacob5089 likes this.
  14. It looks so majestic lllikke like budder. Can Bricktopia have one of these?
  15. Sure, Ill send one male and one female so you can breed more.
  16. Bricktopia thanks you for the Nebulae Dragons.
  17. Bricktopia grows weary that Potencia can be attacked at any moment and no word has been heard of for a few months. Bricktopia teleports a group of wizards to Potencia to investigate what is wrong.
  18. Wow, this thread could be in a museum...
  19. Lol what?
  20. It's ages old, even nfell posted here!