[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Q73F-3JS9 disconnects the bridge in the middle. Halfway through construction we realized that the bridge would be torn apart as the planets rotated. We need to devise a way to sync the rotations of the planets.
  2. Bricktopia:

    Why not just have the bridge on an axis itself to make it turn and twist when our planets rotate?
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  3. Ok.
  4. Work will be resumed. Bridge to be completed in 2 or 3 months.
  5. New Dawn has reached it's destination. Potencia has full control over the wizards sent to fought. Just tell them what to do and they will do the rest.
  6. The fleet sends its last message before entering slipspace and the black hole. (The radio waves can't escape the black hole's immense gravity nor can they travel through slipspace into the normal universe)
    This is Admiral Jones speaking. Our fleet and New Dawn are ready to teleport into slipspace to the black hole. All ships are ready for jump. If you hear another message in about a month, we have completed the mission. If you don't, well God help us all then. [TRANSMISION END]
    Potencia also awaits word from Manatron.
  7. Bricktopia is making charms and good luck spells in the fleets honor. We sacrifice a dragon in fire for them.
  8. Lol wut.
  9. For safe travel into slip space duh.
  10. Potencia begins researching the use of exoskeletons for military use. (6 months)
  11. The spies on the rogue pirate planet send this report.
    All checkpoints acheived. We captured the captain of a main capital ship, injected him with polypseudomorphine, and escaped on a Saber that was captured by the pirates.
    Potencia also suspects the pirate ships attacking Manatron may be a fleet from one of these "outposts". Potencia FLEETCOM sends a message to Manatron asking how the battle is going.
  12. Woahhhhh, 4 pages of reading isn't good for me, so can someone recap what happened ever since I sent the ships to Manatron?
  13. The pirate captain was interrogated today. He said that the pirate leader was extremely angry that the pirate fleet at Black Day was destroyed and was furious when we blew Black Day up. The leader planned to contact Gargamele and join forces with him to destroy Potencia and any close-by planets. The only thing they are lacking is a proper adminium bomb, and the closest source of adminium was Black Day's moon, which now is destroyed, which means the only adminium for light-years around is Potencia's moon. Potencia's moon is now guarded. Further information yet to be found. In other news:
    Potencia's experimental prototype of a military exoskeleton failed. The fuel tank was put too close to the machine gun on the suit, and when the gin overheats it gets hot enough to ignite the fuel. Now it's back to the drawing board for this project. Potencia discovers a new type of metal while mining adminium. It seems to be an alloy of aluminium and titanium. This combination makes it light yet extremely strong. It is being mined along with adminium on Potencia's moon.
  14. A lot. Potencia was attacked by pirates, but we fended them off and destroyed one of their outposts on a planet called Black Day. Black Day was put under a curse by an evil wizard from Bricktopia, and he escaped into another dimension. Potencian scientists developed a new type of engine that allows users to enter the dimensions smaller than our 4 (Time, length, width, and depth). Potencia also upgraded its frigates and destroyers and developed a light armored vehicle. Potencian ships are chasing the evil wizard named Gargamele in slipspace and traveled through a black hole in the slipstream and traveled to another dimension. About 100 pirate ships are attacking Mantron right now, but I have received no word of them.
  15. Alright, thanks!
    The spaceships in Manatron's atmosphere *finally* notice the pirates and begin attacking them. Our lasers are slightly stronger than the pirates', so we should expect victory within 2 days.
  16. The Potencian fleet stations itself on a nearby asteroid to Manatron. ((I don't want to make up the battle totally, I'll leave that to TheMiniKins)) The 100 frigates split into 3 groups and attack the back, left, and right of the pirate ships. The fleet sends out a notice to the Panem ships to notify NOT to attack ships surrounding the pirate fleet. The 50 cruisers and the 70 destroyers begin a salvo of Mass Accelerator Cannon (MAC) shots that destroy some pirate ships. We note that the pirate ships seem much smaller than the ones that assaulted Potencia, but they are wider and have more firepower.
  17. Aperture develops a black hole device strong enough to suck in a fleet or small ships.
    Aperture also finds hordes of naturally forming gunpowder and uses it to make tiny explosives.
    The portal gun is now super upgraded and has no limit to where portals can be shot.
  18. :eek::eek::eek: Potencia is very worried that the black hole device may fall into the wrong hands, especially with the growing danger of pirates. Who knows, Aperture may be assaulted next by the pirates. Potencia suggests that you either destroy the device or keep under lock and key and guarded 24/7. Or 25/7 since days are longer on Potencia.
  19. And the chances of the pirates getting past our defences...: (not drawn to scale)

    -= neurotoxin
    0=black holes

    Nooo0o0o00o0o0o0o0o00oo0o!!!! Gargamele has come to Bricktopia to move the entire planet into slip space! His magic is so strong that we fear every planet in Cyrus Maximus will be brought into it slip space also!
    This means Q73F-3JS9 and any ships around it will be brought with us! Even our star will be sucked into to the dimension! We are requesting help from anyone to try to stop Gargamele! We fear that he will not stop at our solar system and move others as well!!!
    We husjnkfes-f-f00s0f0a--f--sf- P0--tttt-ennn--ccia--Beeee--e----eee-www-aaarr--nneee-ddd!!

    Garglemele: Mwhahahhaahhahahahhahahhahahahhahah!!!!! That's right everyone I'm coming for you!!! Soon this universe will be mine!!!! All Mine!!!!