[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Potencia did not know Aperture had such heavy defenses and apologizes for underestimating Aperture's strength. But the pirates do not stand alone. The pirates could probably call any criminal, villain, mercenary, greedy person, or anyone wanting riches and they would come. We are still worried.
  2. Wait this thread still exists? Wow...

    Cryptum's tech metal covering opens after a long closing to avoid the inevitable release of the virus.
    Cryptum requests peace with all new colonies formed in its dormant period.
  3. No! Potencian fleet sends a message stating they never found Gargamele. Now we know why. Right now we have 170 cruisers, 250 destroyers, and 425 frigates available. All positions on stand-by. DEFCON level set to 2. Potencia's moon is ready to jump into slipspace if needed. 5 prowlers are being sent to investigate the portal. Another prowler is being loaded with assassination gear to kill Gargamele. Potencia has 5 nuclear missiles are prepared to launch. Potencia is ready.
  4. Potencia is sending a universe-wide message stating that there is an evil wizard named Gargamele on the loose. He has teleported the system Cyrus Maximus into the slipstream space where they will be drifting until there is a natural opening, usually at the center of an exploding star. We are requesting fleets, supplies, soldiers, anything to be sent to Potencia because we suspect Gargamele is heading for Potencia next.
  5. Cryptum will answer the call. Our armies are yours to command!
  6. Just a fore warning that Bricktopia cannot send any messages while in slip space. Jacob's Planet is the same though we can contact each other via space bridge.
    Bricktopia is surrounded by darkness and evil. There is no magic in the area other than Cyrus Maximus. We will try to see if there are any openings to the normal realm. Once found we will send a message to other planets through the opening.
  7. The skies above Potencia are so thick with aircraft that it looks like a shield of metal is covering the sky. Gargamele has not yet arrived in the system, but if he telports inside the planet he will be shot down by patrols.
  8. ((What if by random he arrives at Panem and attacks there, not at Potencia?))
  9. I will be playing as Gargamele at the moment because Bricktopia is out of the picture for now. Soo... You thought you could defeat me?!?! Gargamele is not that easily defeated! Why don't you face the havic of a black hole in place of your own star! Of course this leads to slip space but, you won't get out as easily as before. Your slip space drives are now *POOF* gone! Be prepared to meet your doom Potencia! For the only way out is not through a black hole but the center of the universe! Mwhahahahhahahahhaaaa!!
  10. All the ships have been defeated, and they were carrying adminium, so Manatron decided to split it between Potencia, Manatron for their hard work! Bricktopia couldn't be found, so they get none.

    Manatron is developing a new adminium force field (2 years )
  11. Wow this has had 791 posts and I hadn't even noticed it? This looks pretty cool, may I ask how it's going?
  12. ((Ok, I really don't want to god-mode or anything but it's pretty unfair that you can just go "poof" and my like what, 1,000 slipspace drives disappear. And he can just say "poof" and a black hole appears.)) As Gargamele is laughing about his plot and begins casting a spell, he didn't notice something. As he turned towards Potencia's capital to cast the spell ((Let's just say Gargamele is on an asteroid now)), 5 grey flecks were whizzing towards Gargamele. As they got closer, they appeared to be........ 5 Falchion interstellar fighters! The Falchions began a salvo of missiles, and as soon as Gargamele turned around to zap them, the lead Falchion ran him over!
  13. Potencia is safe now. But if a super-large fleet comes to attack us, we have a special weapon in our atmosphere. It is a Super Mass Accelerator Cannon, or SMAC. There currently are 10 guns that can reload in 3 seconds. They launch a 8,000 ton tungsten weight at 40% the speed of light. Our exoskeleton project is going well, and the ships at Manatron came back with adminium. Potencia thanks Manatron for that.

    Potencia is sending 5 cruisers to the Cyrus Maximus system, or at least where it used to be. The they will jump into slipspace and start searching for the Cyrus Maximus system.
  14. Okay guys, it's time to get active in this thread again. Quick reminder:
    How to start.....
    Oh! Sanghelios begins working on a new warship to keep up with the current technology.
  15. :eek: Potencia is afraid of Sanghelios because we base our warships and vehicles off of the humans of Halo.
  16. Ok, I ask for princebee's permission to continue this game on another thread. Few people play thins game anymore because the thread is "old". I also think that it would attract more players.
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  17. I will make a new thread, which I was accually planning to do anyways, link will be here as soon as I finish making it.
  18. ((I was thinking to make the undead rise but whatever floats your boat, am I right?))
  19. "Apr 15, 2013" Oh God Dead Thread Bump xD Herro Everyone