[Forum Game] The Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MigrantMove, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Leopard_Knight likes this.
  2. Granted, but then Aikar posts to let you know that someone signed on with 20 alts and had them all talking to each other about the LLO. You're still happy because people are still paying more attention to the LLO thread, but then the website server crashes, the back-ups are wiped out and Aikar is forced to Redo the forums. The player with 20 alts has since quit EMC and although you start a new thread, noone is posting.

    I wish that beef jerky grew on a potted plant.
  3. it grows cows and they trample you.
    I wish i had cream
  4. Granted. You now are the proud owner of the swedish edition of the "Fresh Cream" LP, but you can't seem to find your record player, so you are left drinking dark coffee and wondering if "The Coffee Song" is any good.

    I wish to get a sound night's sleep.
  5. Money is not rupees.
    I wish for 50,000 rupees
  6. *my dad has a record player*
    you get a night's sleep filled with sound.
    I wish for a normal potato that is 1cm*1cm*1cm
  7. You didn't grant the wish that the person above you made.
  8. Thus, why I worded my response the way I did, just in case you had one... "you can't seem to find your record player."

    Yes, he did. He twisted my words. A "sound" night's sleep, because it was full of sound....

    I'll let the next person take this one.

  9. Granted, but then you are griefed by a random person.

    I wish someone would corrupt this wish.
    Leopard_Knight likes this.
  10. oh sorry so thats how it works! sorry
  11. Granted. Your wish becomes: "I wish whitish Slum Town cedes our poor."

    I wish for free beer.
  12. someone doesnt hear the "r" and gives you a bee.
    I wish for an iphone 1
  13. Granted, but the battery is not rechargeable, so enjoy your 15 seconds of battery life.

    I wish it wasn't so hot.
  14. The sun turns into a giant ice cube.
    i wish for a lamp
  15. OK, but there is no light bulb.

    I wish that trees gave off wifi signals
  16. they're all password protected. I wish for a chair
  17. The chair is very stiff and uncomfortable, like in a principal's office.
    I wish for swag.
  18. a giant brick with the word "swag" falls on you.
    I wish for styrofoam
  19. You find yourself in a shipping box, among the styrofoam peanuts, squished between the wall of the box and it's contents.

    I wish for some sugar for my morning coffee.
  20. Your morning coffee gets a Sugar Daddy. You are forever alone still.

    I wish for a PS4