[Forum Game] The Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MigrantMove, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. You have it, but it turns out it is nothing but an overpriced tech demo. (Which it is at this point, so don't buy it.)
    I wish I had 9999999 dollars in my steam wallet.
  2. you get VAC banned for hax.
    i wish i had my damn chair
  3. You get the damn chair, but it's the creakiest damn chair you've ever seen in your whole damn life.
    I wish I had the most comfortable couch in the universe.
  4. The couch is also a man-eating monster as a side-job.

    I wish I owned all the banks.

    Are you serious?
  5. Yeah, from the reviews and gameplay I've seen.
    All the reviews I've seen have said that the game is over priced because the devs hardly ever update it.
    Kinda sad because it looks awesome otherwise.
    And all of the gameplay, is just being played on a developer test map.
  6. all your banks are belong to us.
    I wish for a small ball.
    i hope he isn't
    NCG is an amazing game as it is right now, better than a lot of release titles i have
    (then of course they're GT for PS2, but shush xD)
  7. This includes EMC banks. Banks are not allowed. You are banned.

    I wish that my room smelled like the ocean.
    Pooploser912 likes this.

  8. Granted, but your room is under the ocean.

    I wish I had a Wii U.
  9. That was pretty good
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  10. That moment when Ninjas get Ninja'd by Ninjas who were already Ninja'd
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  11. holy crap that ninja
    HASH: it smells to salty and you die of dehyration.
    JAY: it comes a virus (is that even possible? lol)
    I wish for a marker.


    wow, i got ninja'd on my post about being ninja'd by another post about being ninja'd
  12. It isn't scented. #Disappointment

    I wish for a scented marker. That smells like the ocean.
  13. Mmmm, polluted ocean smell.

    I wish for World Peace (LOL, like that's gonna happen)
  14. (what is it with you and oceans, do you want me to mail you some salt water xD)
    granted. it's a toxic scented marker. I wish for an ocean.
    denied. (jk) all countries disappear from the world to give peace.
    hashhog3000 and Pooploser912 like this.
  15. It isn't scented
    You get it, but every time you smell it your brain deteriorates exponentially.
    I wish for a fighter jet.
    you get a jet that fights in mortal kombat. it sucker punches you and you die.
    i wish for my sound system to work properly.
    Pooploser912 likes this.
  17. You get a game called World Peace.

    I wish I had my own computer game.
    EDIT: Ninja'd, again!
    Pooploser912 likes this.
  18. You do own your own computer game. All your computers die before you can play it. Sorry.

    I wish princebee would mail me some saltwater.
  19. The water evaporates on the way to your place and you are stuck with salt.

    I wish for no more ninjas.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  20. Thread gets locked. No more ninjas... or posts.

    I wish that it would start raining lightly.
    Pooploser912 likes this.