[Forum Game] The Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MigrantMove, Dec 4, 2012.

    I wish for a strawberry
  2. Granted. But the strawberry's seeds are poisonous, so you must remove them one by one.
    I wish I had infinite money.
  3. you die of money suffocation.
    i wish for a
  4. Error: 404 wish not found.
    Generating new wish
    I wish for a rainbow!
  5. you get rained on so hard you die before you can see the rainbow
    i wish for a clock
  6. Granted, however your clock's alarm always goes off.
  7. E▼cXMBz♥6 w(@__@@^&

    I wish for a chair
  8. Granted, but it's creaky as hell.
    I wish I had nyan cat for a pet.
  9. Your parents think that it's a poptart and eat it.

    I wish that I had Dragon Stone Fragment. #DSFAM
  10. Granted. But another player uses an exploit to take it out of whatever container its in and steals it. The item is mistakenly lost when they are banned.

    I wish for a BETTER COMPUTER.
  11. You get a better computer. It's better than the first computer ever invented, that is. Other than that, it kinda stinks.

    I wish for a purple cow.
    highlancer54 and Pooploser912 like this.
  12. Granted. But it dies in four years
    I wish Empire Minecraft would become the most well known server in all of minecraft. :)
  13. granted, but you get banned from EMC.
    I wish for a parachute.
  14. *casual whistling*
    Granted, but it doesnt open properly.
    I wish for every retro game and console ever made.
  15. granted. you get crushed by an arcade machine.
  16. Error: 404, wish not found.
    Generating random wish..
    I wish for a girlfriend.
  17. she breaks up wiht you instantly. i wish for a small rock
  18. *sob*
    Granted, but you drop the rock in a pile of rocks 2 days later and cannot find it.

  19. Wish not found!

    I wish for a sombrero that has an infinite pool of guacamole in the brim.
  20. Granted, but you can never eat any chips with the guacamole except for salt and vinegar lays.

    I wish for infinite $$$$$$$MONEY BAYBEEEEEEE$$$$$$$