[Forum Game] The Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MigrantMove, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. I knew the grant would be from you.
    The genie grants your wish before leaving.

    I wish I had an Alienware.
  2. Granted! However the Alienware transforms into a real alien and attempts to take over your house.

    I wish I had magical floaty thingymadoohickeys that fly around and grant my every wish.
  3. Granted, but it forces you to wish you were dead.
    An Alienware is a brand of computer.
    I wish I had my head on every Minecraft server.
  4. I know Alienware is a brand of computer. I said it would come alive. The wish is granted. However, you don't have a head anymore.

    I wish I had 1024 GB of RAM and 1024 TB of storage :).
  5. The decapitated head ends up in your bed

    I want my own server
  6. Granted, but it sucks and not even you will join it.
    I think you got our wishes a little combined ish.
    I wish everybody could see my cape.
  7. Granted, but ur cape suddenly bursts into flames and u die. Everyone laughs at you.
  8. I wish that you wished for something.
  9. Your wish gets granted and daxter wishes that he gets a bone, Too bad it was poiseness.

    Since your the reason why daxter died, You now face a lawsuit :p

    I wish for flying giant pigs that have cows ride on their backs.
  10. PECON!

    Pecan is something that you use the bathroom with.
  11. Noo Google Pecan
  12. Google Crashes
    I wish I had a pet Pelican
  13. The genie gives you a can fill of peli.

    I wish that everyone was happy in the Empire
  14. Your wish is happy, Everyone becomes happy and then turns into zombies because they have no emotions other than being happy.

    I wish for sad commercials that show starving children or mistreated dogs to be banned from tv because it's too much for meh.
  15. Granted but Legal stuffs Happens.

    I wish for the Master Sword
  16. 0_0
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  17. The master sword was destroyed during delivery.

    I wish for a man eating robot.
  18. The robot eats you.

    I wish I had a god sword.
  19. the god sword kills you.
    I wish for Chascarillo to think i didnt make a wish.
  20. You didn't make a wish!