[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Sebia places sanctions on USSR. Their violent and hostile nature has caused disruption to the entire world. Exporting to the USSR from any nation within Pacific Alliance is denied.

    Sebia has begun work on the GPS system. It uses satellites to create detailed maps of the Earth. The maps are live and will provide Sebia and it's allies with great knowledge of the Earth and where military units are positioned. This will take 6 posts (a reduced time as we have knowledge of satellites already & good computing knowledge).

    Sebia has also begun a mass military recruitment and expects to recruit 500 million troops from China alone.

    Sebia also wonders how many troops the USSR has. They appear to have an infinite amount, yet their population at this time is very small.
    SEPTHEKID and 607 like this.
  2. The Pacific Alliance took France and granted it to the European Commonwealth, who handed it down to New Kalmar (and if I recall correctly, we told the Red Army to leave, and you never gave a clear answer on whether they had stayed or not).

    New Kalmar has began to commence bombing raids on the newly-rebuilt Vladivostok to lock the USSR out of the Pacific, and is chucking anti-USSR propaganda into your remaining major cities through Rod Dods.

    New Kalmar would like to write up the treaty, and make sure it would see the nuclear disarmament of all those who sign it.

    The Finnish forces are now occupying Murmansk, with a few thousand more marching on Petrozavodsk. It will take 2 more posts for them to reach it. They march alongside New Kalmarian Special Forces, the tanks I built (I forgot what I called them :p), and multiple Rod Dods are securing safe-ish passage for them.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. Finding a cure for what? The gas Sebia uses is of high concentration and can burn through pretty much every material.

    Sebia accepts the request however reserve the right to pull out if deemed fit.

    Sebia has also begun work on reformulating the gas we use and finding a coating against the gas. All new plans by Sebia are highly secure and everyone involved has very strict & strong background checks done on them to prevent USSR spying.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. We most certainly took France.

    How about we OOC partition it? You get South, I get North.

    The Soviet Army marches on the Finnish forces. They start massacring them, with chemical warfare decimating their numbers also.

    We start bombing New Kalmar with pro-Soviet propaganda.

    We propose a peace treaty also.

    We agree to NK writing it.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. A prevention.
    Cure/Prevention is done.

    Also, 500 million is mad. The Red Army had 12,000,000 at it's peak.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. China currently has 1 billion people at the moment. And its an expected number.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. The north would give you easy access to an attack on the UK, Ireland and other New Kalmarian states. Even if you got the south, it would divide France up and would be unfair on the people, who could even revolt against New Kalmar and the USSR... and the French are well-known for their revolutions ;)

    In response to the Soviet Army's attack on the Finnish forces, troops from Kazakhstan have been recruited by the European Commonwealth and are marching on Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Barnaul and Stavropol. Mongolian troops are marching on Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, and Novokuznetsk.

    Troops from Switzerland and Italy are also marching on Stuttgart.

    Continued use of chemical warfare against NK and EC troops will result in a nuclear bomb being fired at Kaliningrad - several of which have been ready to fire for years in the Baltic Sea.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. Still is a nuts amount.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. OOC:

    We invaded Mongolia and Kazakhstan, so you should be on the defensive. Same with Switzerland and Italy.

    And if you got all of it, they could easily stage a revolution with you.

    We make a point that the EC and NK have used chemical warfare against us.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
    • No you haven't.
    • Since they've been doing fine under New Kalmarian leadership for a while now, I doubt it.
    • No we haven't.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. OOC:

    It's more realistic than how you've:
    • Invaded and supposedly, conquered many countries
    • Been fighting with Sebia many times in China, Mongolia, Atlantic Ocean and Europe (Belgium)
    • Been fighting the EC many times in Europe
    You have no idea of what troop management is and have been able to throw in millions of men, when as you said yourself, the red army only reached 12 million at its peak.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. Millions of men?

    I'm sorry, but I could have invaded with 4 people. Even one.

    If this isn't realistic, then how come YOU can support China, India, Canada, and the US, without major discontent.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. * I have.
    * They were IMO under my leadership.
    * Thought EC stood for the PA thing. Sorry.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. See? How on Earth did you manage to invade 3 countries to the East, then start attacking and invading European countries, while maintaining fights with Sebia. Your military is stretched and weak.

    Sebia's recruitment drive bought in 300 million troops (a lot less than expected, especially throughout the entire nation of Sebia). They're being deployed at the weakest parts within the USSR's military forces and are pushing them back at great rates due to the USSR's lack of tactical planning.
    SEPTHEKID and SoulPunisher like this.
  14. A military draft has begun and is expected to pool nearly 400,000 soldiers. Civilians are being evacuated from Johannesburg to an undisclosed location following threats from the U.S.S.R. We begin anti-communist programs such as book burnings and media broadcasts.
  15. Bakaara United News
    • The capital of Cyprus has been blown up! Thankfully, no one was hurt by the debris. Repairs were swift and quick. The government has condemned the actions of the USSR and has declared total annihilation upon them.
    • Bakaara now has 250,000 Raidens and 400,000 pilots, 6,000,000 soldiers, 10,000 Goros and 200,000 captains. (for the ships)
    • The gas that the BLS was working on is complete. Once dropped, the gas will disperse around a 2 mile radius. Anyone within the radius will be rendered unable to fight, due to the toxin within that will make those within the radius really, REALLY high.
    • Bakaara United starts building anti-air turrets to prepare for later attacks. 500 are to be built around the island within 1 post.
    • Bakaara United also commences the building of anti-ground turrets. 2500 are to be positioned around the island. This is expected to take about 2 posts.
    • The BLS has started working on a form of steroids that when injected, the injectee shall feel no pain and adrenaline rush through the injectee's entire body. Why this is being created? When we interviewed the president, he said that all soldiers are required to have at least 1 of the steroids for use in battle. However, the president has also assured us that it is 100% organic and is not addictive. This is possibly because of his mom intervening. This will take about 5 turns to complete.
  16. Hi guys! Wondering if I can join in ,, what areas are left?
  17. 607 and nfell2009 like this.
  18. Ninja'd ^^
  19. Does that mean you're badmouthing me also? (Bakaara United is a democratic communist, you see)