[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. The Northern Fleet launches, and its mission is to bombard Western European countries that are not part of the Union.

    Troops start moving into the Netherlands and Belgium from both France and Germany, while beach landings take place on the coast, enclosing the Low Countries. In total 120,000 troops invade.

    400,000 troops march into Denmark.

    760,000 troops move into Spain and Portugal, some by border, some by paratrooping, some by beach landing.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. The Baltic Sea Fleet starts invading Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, by using beach landings. Troops also march in from St. Petersburg, Warsaw, and Konigsberg.

    Troops rush into Moldova, Romania, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan(with the help of the Caspian Sea Fleet and Black Sea Fleet).

    Troops rush into Greece using the Mediterranean Sea Fleet, as they do with all of the coastal Balkans.

    Hungary and Czechoslovakia are also pushed into.

    Troops march off boats and into Italy.

    Troops in Munich and Southern Germany rush into Austria and Switzerland.

    The Canary Islands, Sardinia, Malta, and Cyprus are all also invaded.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. You do understand I started about... let's see... oh yeah, about 30 hours ago. So chill. And can't you take a joke? Damn. And besides, a 1,000 planes is already a lot, 100,000 planes is a colossal amount. So please. Before Sebia's reinforcements come in, I advise you to leave Bakaara United before I start taking stuff seriously.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. Why didn't you read through the thread first then to realise how serious this thing is?

    A joke? Considering you asked if Drug Warfare was allowed, I wouldn't count that as a joke.

    Yes, 1,000 planes is a lot.

    I could easily challenge Sebia. If we are not a superpower, neither is Sebia.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. Bakaara United News
    • Bullets fly and missiles drop as a heavy battle rages on on Bakaara United's home country, Cyprus. Thankfully, we repel USSR's forces with 1,000 dead, 1 Goro and 50 Raidens destroyed.
    • Bakaara United now reallocates its citizens, so that 2.5 million will be undergoing basic military training, 0.25 million will become pilots 0.5 million sergeant and generals will be teaching them, 1 million to the growing of potatoes, cows, etc, 2.75 million the production of ammo, guns, missiles, Raidens, Goros and other essential items. This reformation is expected to take only 1 post.
    • The Bakaara Scientist League (Or the BSL) have decided to start research on a new gas that will not kill, but stimulate the sector of the brain where dopemine is released, therefore making the enemy too "happy" to fight. This is expected to be packed into a missile form where it can be dropped onto enemy carrriers, rendering them useless. This is expected to take about 4 posts to complete.
    • Bakaara United also begins production on 400,000 Raidens and 100,000 Goros. This is expected to take about 3 posts.
    • Bakaara United also requests reinforcements from WASWAS and Sebia to help eliminate the barbaric USSR. They have yet to respond.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. Sleeper agents in Nicosia are handed an atomic bomb by KGB agents, who then leave. (KGB agents were under the cover of diplomats, sleeper agents under the cover of Ukrainian immigrants who supported the White Army.)

    The bomb will be detonated in 2 posts.

    It will be detonated by a timer in the basement. The sleeper agents and the KGB agents catch a flight to Delhi.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. The SCAU is not aiding the WASWAS in any way. The current open war posed against the U.S.S.R. is to provide additional forces to its allies(PA, EC). Wolf Packs(submarine packs) are controlling the openings of the Baltic and North Seas into the Atlantic. Undersea mines will be completed in 2 posts. Aircraft carriers have moved out of the Baltic.

    We accept the Bakaara United's alliance and have sent 15,000 troops through Bakaara United to re-secure the lands of Turkey. We still hold one stronghold in south-eastern Turkey. We request additional troops from Bakaara United, WASWAS and Sebia.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. We thank the SCAU for the troops, and we send 500 Raidens and 650 pilots to them as backup. And 10 loaves of garlic bread and 2 gorilla suits have been sent to Traynfreek as a present.
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  9. Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, is blown up.

    Johannesburg will be next, we warn the SCAU government, unless they stop their petty act of war.

    Vladivostok is rebuilt, while troops march into Korea and Japan.

    The East is red.


    I gave Ryuga a chance.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. From both France and Germany? I'm pretty sure I own France...

    In response to the 400,000 troops being sent into Denmark, 60,000 New Kalmar soldiers and a couple of dozen Rod Dods (couldn't be bothered with the accent thingies :p) are sent into the border. Meanwhile, on the Finnish border, the troops stationed there storm the border. Once they make it 100 miles into Western Russia, they will begin occupation and an invasion of a small portion of Western Russia. NK and EC troops stationed in the Netherlands are attempting to defend the small Kalmarian state.

    The European Commonwealth has began the defense of their states of Spain and Portugal, but due to the unexpectedness of the attack their efforts are very scrambled, and lack the planning precision of other countries such as New Kalmar when being invaded.

    New Kalmar has also rolled out the internet to the general public through the NKBC.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. Sebia has begun sending out chemically advanced planes (x30). We have use launched 3/6 weaponized satellites into USSR troop camps. Sebia immobilises the American Armed Forces, who are now being taken over to Europe

    Sebia also begins immobilising Indian and Chinese troops up north to do an attack on Eastern Europe. Some Chinese troops are also going into North & South Korea.
    Your random use of nuclear weapons shows a lack for human life as you're killing many people.

    Sebia warns the USSR that their attack on us will not be tolerated. We are the larger and greater nation. The USSR is a miniscule dot to Sebia. You will be eliminated.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. Kazahkstan is invaded.
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  13. The Red Army took France.

    Bombing raids commence on Copenhagen.

    The Soviet Union has kept our Internet for selected use only.

    Bombing raids begin on Helsinki.

    The Soviet Union proposes a treaty that would prevent the use of Nuclear Weapons. Ironic, I know.

    We start bombing the Finnish forces.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. OOC: You made 1 attack on a very large country. You have not taken France.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. I have. You actually agreed to it.
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  16. The Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet starts eliminating the American forces that are being transported, with the Red Air Force also helping shoot down planes and bomb ships.

    You also tried to nuke our major cities.


    We invade Mongolia and China. We start bombing the Korean troops, and Korean citizens who are happy to be free of practical Anarchy start fighting for us, launching surprise raids on Sebian forces.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. Oh yeah. Didn't NK take it back? :confused:

    OOC: In retaliation towards your nuke on NY.

    IC: Troops from Australia are moved north and a large army from India are immediately moved over. Bombers are doing runs over USSR troops. Remaining Chinese soldiers are deployed onto USSR troops. Pushing back USSR from China. Chemical spray runs are also being ran over USSR troops.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  18. Not that I know of.

    Chemical attacks commence on the Chinese troops, killing many. We adopt a defensive strategy in Korea.
    We start invading the Middle East. Nearly all of Eastern Europe is Soviet. We plan to push into Kazakhstan and then to Pakistan. From Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan we push into the Middle East and from there we will also invade Pakistan, before advancing into India.

    We start a massive Communist campaign in India.

    We start using psychological warfare on the entire Chinese and Indian armies.

    In Japan we have had massive successes, having conquered the entire nation. However, Warlords are still fighting back, but we expect them to be eliminated by 2 posts.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. OOC: You never developed chemical warfare technology, if I recall correctly?

    IC: Any communist related material is to be destroyed immediately. Communism and support towards the USSR is outlawed throughout Sebia and anyone caught shall be arrested and jailed immediately.

    Soldiers are closely monitored psychologically.

    Chemical runs are doing well with many USSR troops being killed off very quickly.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  20. OOC:

    The USSR is now devoted to finding a cure. (3 posts)

    We request that neither nation uses Chemical Warfare on civilians.