[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Bakaara United News
    Bakaara United has produced a lightweight submachine gun dubbed the "Erron". It is able to hold up to 75 .30cal bullets yet is only 4kg with the clip inside. Bakaara United has ramped up production of this gun, and the entire military and police force will be armed with this revolutionary weapon within 2 posts.

    Bakaara United propose an alliance with Traynfreek's nation and open borders so that they may trade with each other.

    Bakaara United's scientists start research on a carrier that is able to submerge yet carry planes at the same time. This ship is estimated to hold up to 25 Raidens and 5,000 land troops. This is expected to take 6 posts to complete.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. I'd rather not.

    Plus, the restoration of a few things in the Middle East doesn't mean that a physics-defying ship can exist.

    They have never been made, probably never will, and so they can't be in this game.

    Now let's get back on topic :p
    SEPTHEKID, kitten3101 and 607 like this.
  3. The U.S.S.R decides to nuke Johannesburg with a "secret" way, which is spies. This is unknown to the rest of the world, as we have no visible traces yet. Detonation, 12 posts.

    We will justify this as SCAU is aiding WASWAS.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. Err, how are spies going to smuggle a bomb bigger than a washing machine into a city, activate the detonation and then flee without being noticed?
    SEPTHEKID and SoulPunisher like this.
  5. Exactly as you said.

    Disguising the bomb. A washing machine would be something that it could be disguised as.

    Take this scenario for example, a large parcel.

    They could leave it next to the railway on a baggage cart, and it would look quite natural. Then, they could drive off as if they were just continuing their rounds. Or they could get on the train.
    SEPTHEKID and 607 like this.
  6. Unless you plan on also killing your spies, I'd believe the contents of the package would be found before you manage to get your spies to s safe distance. Plus, I'd assume it'd be hard to get one into the country in the first place, even if it was disguised.
    SoulPunisher and 607 like this.
  7. If a spy wanted to die for their country, that would be arranged.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. In response to some unsettling intelligence regarding USSR activities, the ER along with Sebia, are beginning major military exercises in northern China with over 1 million troops.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. Bakaara United News:
    • Bakaara United advises the U.S.S.R to not be so rash and reconsider their decision to bomb Johannesburg.
    • Bakaara United requests an alliance with ER and open borders so as to allow trade with one another.
    • Bakaara United's scientists have finally completed the carrier. Named the "Goro", it is able to hold up to 20 Raidens and 1,000 land troops at once. Even then, it also has the ability to submerge into the water (without the airplanes also being on it, however) and can run on electricity. The only drawback to this it that it is only able to go at a slow 20km/h. (I apologize to those who use the Imperial system)
    • Bakaara United starts to plan their country for home. Everywhere, police and military patrol the streets. Even the wheat fields are guarded by camouflaged snipers. An unannounced number of Goros are also stationed around the island, each packed to the brim with 20 Raidens and 750 land troops. Rumors start circulating that Bakaara United is being paranoid, but the government assures its citizens that relationships with other countries are stable and that war is not an imminent threat as of this moment.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. Bakaara United requests to join the military exercise.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. OOC:
    How did you find out IC?
    SEPTHEKID, SoulPunisher and 607 like this.
  12. As we have heard this through spies, we start blockading Bakaara United with the Red Navy.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. Serbia is becoming angered by USSRs actions. They are like a global super power yet are a global power at best.

    They show no concern for human rights yet place sanctions on a country for not having free marriage. Sebia now classes the USSR as uncivillized and a threat to the world
    mba2012, SEPTHEKID and 607 like this.
  14. Bakaara United launches 1,000 Raidens upon the Red Navy, however, the guns on the Raidens are not loaded with bullets, but with drugs that no soldier can resist: Marijuana. The entire nation sits back and laughs as we watch the Red Navy get high as crap. In the process of doing so, 10 Raidens were destroyed, thankfully we suffered no casualties.

    Oh, and Bakaara requests for backup from Sebia.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. Also, is drug warfare allowed?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. Sub marines with anti ship missiles are sent to Bakaara United to target and destroy USSR ships.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. Wait wait wait, lemme get them high as crap first! xD
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  18. Okay, they're high as crap now. Mind taking care of them for me? Thanks. I'll send some Raidens out when you attack.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. Ignore cannon.

    I'm sorry Ryuga, but you have been undermining the political scale of things here. Marijuana? Seriously?

    1,000 Raidens?

    Let me get this straight: Raidens are planes.

    And you have 1,000 of them... and your buddy state WASWAS has 100,000 planes in general.
    SEPTHEKID and SoulPunisher like this.
  20. SEPTHEKID likes this.