[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. 100 planes per ship might be realistic, (I mean, there are ships that can carry 20 cargo boats at once) but cramming in heavy artillery and land troops will be quite literally impossible. However, if you have three of those boats, maybe one boat carries the planes, the other one carries heavy artillery and the last one carries troops? I don't know how you would work around that. But in any case, 20 million land troops is impossible under any circumstances.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. Saint Kitts and Nevis taken yet? I hope not. BTW, they are one country, just two different islands.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. They were taken by the Republic of Coven, however the owner isn't active in NN2. I will talk to SoulPunisher and see if I can get you them islands (I wouldn't see it as a problem anyway). If you want, I can try and get you all the Caribbeanislands rather than just a tiny islands?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. I'm fine with just Saint Kitts and Nevis. I'll prefer starting out small, just so I can get the feel of the game. But thanks anyways! However, if Saint Kitts and Nevis are not possible, what other islands are available? Also, just to clarify, when they say time is measured in posts, do other players' posts count?

    Also, Bakaara United's scientists have successfully completed "Advanced Farming Techniques" after 12 posts. Food is bountiful across the land and the citizens are happy.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. There is a map here: http://nfell2009.uk/nn2/maps#alliance_map - there are many unclaimed islands over to the East such as Japan.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. Thanks for the map! However, I feel that the remaining islands are too big to defend well for a newbie like me. And I also want to be a hipster (AKA claiming territory that no one knew even existed :p)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. Haha xD I don't think anyone would make a move for you straight away. I'd be willing to make an alliance with you (I'm the light green on the map...).
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. These are the countries I want:
    1st option: Cyprus ONLY
    2nd option: Singapore ONLY
    3rd option: Saint Kitts and Nevis ONLY
    4th option: North Korea ONLY

    Also, Bakaara United's scientists starts research on guerrilla tactics. They estimate that this will take about 8 posts.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. I accept your alliance and I send you 10 loaves of garlic bread (which is our nation's favorite food AND does not expire, due to our researching of advanced farming techniques) as a sign of appreciation.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. They are currently claimed.

    HOWEVER: If you and the PA want them, you can have them: as long as the European Commonwealth keeps control of the majority of the carribbean and gets to do what they want there.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.

    When they say a hydrogen bomb takes 12 posts to complete, does that mean 12 posts in total from the time you decided to build the H-bomb or 12 posts from you?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. It means that from that post, 12 posts need to be done from the post stating "Building a H-Bomb [12 posts]".
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. Here are the countrie(s) that I want to start out in:
    1st option: ( the one I want the most ) Cyprus ONLY
    2nd option: Saint Kitts and Nevis ONLY
    3rd option: Singapore ONLY
    4th option: ( the one I desire the least ) Cuba ONLY

    I want the country where no one is close by NOR has been claimed by other countries, AKA I want a country free from other countries COMPLETELY. (Also, are caps okay? I'm just using them to emphasize what I want)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. Ah okay. Thanks for clarifying. Also, advanced guerrilla tactics has 4 more posts before its completion. (It was delayed by two posts because some idiot guerrilla was gorilla and convinced the entire science department it was gorilla. So if anyone wants some gorilla suits, it's free, just come and get some. :p )
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. Cyprus isn't taken! :D Would you like that?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. Yes I do. Thanks! Also, is the garlic bread good? And I sent a gorilla suit to you also.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. Also, a few questions:
    What year is it? (in-game, of course)
    What technology is available?
    Do I need to say my nation's current population?
    Are "purge" laws allowed? (For example, every 2 years, a "purge" occurs. When this happens, half the population is killed as to avoid the problems that comes with a large population. Don't worry, I probably will never do this unless things get out of hand/get drunk on a Friday night even though I'm underage)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. The garlic bread is amazing <3

    1) 1978 (1946 + 32 pages (1 page 1 year) = 1978
    2) You'll need to develop your own stuff. There are the basic obviously xD
    3) Nope
    4) Do as you please
    SEPTHEKID and 607 like this.
  18. Yay! The recipe was from my grandma, BTW. However, the recipe varies in my nation, so if you do visit, some garlic bread might taste good, some might not. Just depends on your taste buds. ;)

    Also, Bakaara United has finished researching "Advanced Guerrilla Tactics". The army's soldiers and generals are now able to double as both a soldier and a spy, some even being capable of being a sniper also. Bakaara United now commences research on an air force, and requests its citizens to build an airport, both for the military and domestic flights. Both are estimated to take about 6 posts to complete.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. Thanks for the info!
    SEPTHEKID likes this.