[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Sebia will be investigating the findings and following any other leads. We hope to work with the South Central African Union to end this terrorist group swiftly without having them do damage anywhere else.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. Maximo Supermarkets have launched 2 new ones in New Kalmar. It has received bit more positive feedback.
    Glorious New Kazzahstan wishes Pacific Alliance to sign "Treaty of Sebia and GNK Open Markets" which:
    • Allows Sebia and Glorious New Kazzohstan to build new markets (Grocery store, malls, cinemas, etc) without the need to get permission from the leader or government in each other's country.
    • Gives freedom what to sell without any restriction.
    In other news, our dear leader bought 3 new cats.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  3. Sebia agree to this: http://nfell2009.uk/nn2/agreements?id=sebia_and_gnk_open_markets
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  4. Cambodia has voted to become a satellite state of the SEAA. It remains internally independent but it's military and foreign relations are handled by the SEAA. (A real life example is Greenland to Denmark)

    The SEAA is still continuing it's neutral policy. While it is on friendly ground with both the EC and PA, it still wishes to not be part of either, though both have given the SEAA the choice to join. (The SEAA can join the EC due to Vietnam originally being a French colony.)

    The SEAA is now installing anti-air defences around what the SEAA's military believes would be major targets in an attack. (7 turns)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. The annexation process for Botswana is complete. We are currently developing an industrial complex in Botswana to produce key manufacturing machinery (6 turns). We have also begun a trans-african railway, running from the South African District to Cairo, if the CSM allows (10 turns).
  6. The independent nation of Tunisia, a long-time ally of the CSM, is holding a vote to join said organization. Polls show the population, who has been subject to harsh conditions, are welcoming the idea of joining the cultural superpower of the CSM. (14 turns)
  7. The Soviet Union has launched the first man into space in the year of 1960!
    However, the journey was cut short when oxygen supplies turned out not to be enough, but in the end, the man landed safely back on earth.
  8. You'll find that the ER was actually the first nation to launch a man into space. Full mission details are yet to be released.
    607 likes this.
  9. But SoulPunisher told me that whoever got it first in 1960, and only 1960, would get it?
  10. Sebias fighter jets and commercial airliners are now completed.

    We will now begin work on improving efficiency, protection and weaponry on both the fighter jets and commercial airliners [6 turns].
  11. Glorious New Kazzohstan has started 3 Maximo Supermarkets in Sebia. (all of them are 5 posts)

    After Maximo Supermarket construction, dear leader has a new brand chains to announce.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. No I didn't...
    nfell2009 likes this.
  13. SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. 607, SEPTHEKID and SoulPunisher like this.
  15. In conjunction with the ER; Sebia will be launching the first manned moon mission in 1967.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. The Ministry of Space has now began to plan a manned lunar landing to be launched in 1967. Construction will begin at the end of 1965.

    A Lunar orbiter is also planned to be launched in 1964 and will collect details about the Lunar atmosphere, and a lunar lander will be launched in 1965 and will analyze and store data about the lunar surface, which the astronauts in the manned landing will collect two years later.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. Sebia has begun work on weapon satellite technology and hope to launch one in 9 posts
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  18. The USSR closes all borders.
    The border with Mongolia is heavily fortified with troops.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. After the successful launch of 3 new supermarkets in Sebia, dear leader has announced new brand chains:
    Cat club, where cat's cuteness gives good emotions and pleasure.
    Maximo Hypermarket.
    Eurotronic, anything related to technology like phones, tv, radio, etc. Exclusively planned for EC and currently requesting members of Europe Commonwealth to allow construction of it.
    Kvass soda brands, first construction a factory for it before being sold in the same country.

    In other news, Dear Leader's cats have been poisoned. A funeral is being arranged for them.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  20. The EC would like to warn Sebia that if these satellites go near European Commonwealth territory, they will be shot down with anti-satellite missiles.
    The European Commonwealth has seen this as an extremely hostile move, and has deployed soldiers around the Mongolia-Russia border with strict orders to shoot any USSR soldiers that cross it.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.