[Forum Game] King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, May 24, 2015.

  1. I kill the dragon, come back, and push you off and trap you in a bedrock cage, then making a clock setting your gamemode to adventure. I am king of the hill naow.
  2. my puffer friends free me with a dark oak tree and i alike fixes my gm i put u in a bottle and throw i into the sea i am now the king of the hill and the sea :p
  3. I break free and become king of the flat land. I will rule this land with pokemon gaurding me. You will be in an endless world of pain if you provoke me as king of the flat land.
  4. IT Rains then the flat land floods (becoming ocean) your pokemon drown :D i am still king of the hill and ocean/flat land
  5. I put a command block on a repeater that teleports you a few thousand blocks away and you are stuck teleporting to the same place forever. I walk up the hill. I am now king of the hill
  6. I give TromboneSteve a diamond to unite under one power. If he agrees, then we are King of the hill.
    Edit-Some Pokemon are Pokemon that live underwater, so those lock you up and put you through tourchure. And Pokemon don't drown at all. They can live underwater, too.
  7. i kill them all end of pokemon a majestic pufferfish causes a typhoon destroying the command block i fly back and turn u into ingots ant throw u into the ocean
  8. I come out and summon 10 wither storms, 50 Momentus and Marlix, 100 Ender Dragons, 30000 Enraged, and they take you up into a black hole where nothing can escape.
  9. via science i invert it into a white hole which sends out all the demonds and me i stab u and watch u roll down the hill now i am the king of the hill the ocean and space /time
  10. I survive, make a command block that kills everything excluding players, and land. Including the water that is high. Restoring normality and removing all powers.
  11. I walk up the hill. I am now King of the hill.
  12. I forgot about the fact that this forumgame is still alive, and I walked up the hill because, why not? I didn't see Ethy202 and exedentley pushed him of the hill while swinging.

    TIP: there's an EDIT button under all yuor posts, so you don't have post doubble :D
  13. I come back up and push Jelle off. I'm now king
  14. u forgot about me i decapitate u and put your head on my wall i am still king of the hill space time and the ocean
    also with the power of time i win the game :p good luck killing me now
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  15. Rule 3 says you cannot kill any other player. You lost your power of space time, too. You forgot to get ON the hill. I come back and get on the hill. I'm still King.
  16. u never dealt with me ... i am still there i push u off the hill and u fall into a hole with destroy maximum (my op super boss ) also u can't take power away from space and time i am still king of the hill the ocean and space and time
  17. i was never off th e hill
  18. i go back in time and remove the giant ant who made the hill ow the game is over there was never a hill i won now i rule everything
  19. But then I come from an alternate reality where the hill exists, drag you there through the portal I used and feed you to the giant ant. I, triumphantly, walk to the top of the hill. There I look at the horizon, the world at my feet and only the sky above me. I am The King of The Hill!
  20. as the lord of time i send u to the depths of the ocean in the form of a piece of coral u live there forever i come to the hill and become of everything