[Forum Game] King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, May 24, 2015.

  1. Oops. Firewall, ElmofiedBoby. I get a very old pile of santa's snow and blast nuclearbobomb off to the North Pole. (One way trip, too) I am now King.
  2. Dang it! Stupid firewall!
  3. I simply fly back and kick you off. (I am a machine :p)
    I am now king.
  4. I come back with a command block and teleport you to 30,000,001 and get kicked for being in an invalid position, and making it impossible to get back on the server. I am now King of the hill.
  5. *gets a staff to reset my spawn position*
  6. I misinterpret nuclearbobomb's message and reset ETHY's spawn position instead... his life spawn position. As he finds himself for some odd reason in northern Cambodia, I realize that the hill is now unoccupied and hike to the top, whereupon I pull out a folding chair and a good book and settle down for a few hours of relaxation, seeing as I'm king of the hill and all.
    jasonpenguin and nuclearbobomb like this.
  7. I use my commandblock to teleport right next to hash and ask if we can read together. We are now kings of the hill.
  8. I've never much liked reading out loud or having people read over my shoulder. I send Ethy off to go to a bookstore, which, coincidentally, collapses on top of him as he walks inside, burying him in a cascade of rubble that will certainly take a few hours or even days to shift.
    Content with my novel, I remain the one and only king of the hill.
  9. i summon the pufferfish army and burn hashes books now i am the king of the ocean and of the hill
  10. You burned my books, but you forgot to take ME off the hill.
    I slap you indignantly and you tumble backward, all the way down to the bottom of the hill, where your muddy, disoriented self is mistaken for a pile of limp rags by a local garbageman and taken off to the dump.
    For the third post in a row, I remain king. :rolleyes:
  11. You see stone slabs fall from the air and quickly form a cage around you. As you try to find a way out, I push your cage (with you inside) down the hill and into the water. You drown and I am now the king.
  12. I bring chocolates and cake to Sky to lure him down the hill. Those chocolates last long! I'm King for now. He'll get it back when he is done with those chocolates and cakes.
  13. i burn down a library and pushed Ethy202 into the void :D
  14. I rebuild that library with your blood and bones and i take the Hill :D
  15. I TP back up and use the force push on a king taking the hill
  16. i regenerate because of my mutant puffer fish powers then i vaporize u then throw your ash in lava
    now i am king of the hill and ocean
  17. I pay a fluffy kitten to become your friend and then claw you with it's poisonous claws. You run away screaming and I am now the king of the hill.
  18. i drown u and kill your cat u are dead now i a the king of the hill and ocean
  19. I therefore come out of the lava and drink my potion, speed by you, picking you up and throwing you to Mars. I am now king.
  20. i come down from mars and throw u into the end and break the portal now i am the king of the ocean and the hill