[Forum Game] King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, May 24, 2015.

  1. I use my wolff army to destroy the Berb Army
  2. I raise an army of war machines and we force you off the hill.
    I am now king.
  3. I simply switch off the machine's electricity supply. Now I'm king!
  4. You looked down and saw water, you die and I am now king of the kill
    EDIT: Too brutal?
  5. ;-; so violent
    Dufne likes this.
  6. Being a water goddess, I use my water powers to push everyone and everything else off of the hill.
    I am now Queen of the swampy hill.
  7. A Slabnado comes through and hits you metric crap-tons of stone slabs. You go flying and I take my rightful place as King.
  8. I bribe Sky with corn fritters and take the hill.
    tuqueque likes this.
  9. I scatter an infinite supply of bird seed nearby, causing you to fly to it and therefore be distracted forever, never bothering me again (not that you ever bother me).
    At this point, I march onto the hill and take over.
  10. Ambushes with stampede of pissed off horses and takes the throne of King of the hill to himself. ;)
  11. I push MustangLover off the hill simply throw some hay around the Horse horde. They are entertained for a bit.
    Now Im the king. :) <3
    Then I realized, Im not fit to be a king, So I throw Myself off.
    MustangLover25 likes this.
  12. Walks up and declares self king!
    DoubleCakes9001 likes this.
  13. I lead you away from the hill with bat food,
    allowing me to become QUEEN.
    Unfortunately, there isn't a 1664. I've checked.