[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. You wake up in a back alleyway.
    you're on the bottom floor, so yes
    You get placed down in a chair.
    "Alright, we are going to need to fix you up. That bullet almost killed you. Come over here."
    She gestures to a machine. You lie down in it.
    This should only take a second.
    She presses a button, and you feel a pain going through all your body.
  2. Hm...
    Character name: Sinne
    Character gender: Female
    Character class:
    I chose this one, but I don't really like this all that much, so I won't be doing too much with it.
    Character race: Elf
    Character morality: Lightside
    Character hometown: Crescent Light
    Character appearance: I don't really know :( I hope I'll find out.
  3. Mitsukai flies down and lands on the patio. She then puts her ear up against the door to hear anything she can.
  4. I make a small squeak noise as the pain hits, but I just assume it's supposed to happen so I don't say much more and simply endure it

    (I don't know what you want to do with this so I'll leave it there.)
    (I wish people would quote their previous parts *complain complain*)
    (But more people in CresentLight, yays)
  5. I jump through the window in an attempt to escape.
  6. (you can change the class if you want)
    You wake up in a tree. (also, don't worry too much :p)
    you see: a dumpster, a fire escape, and some purple stuff on the floor.
    as you open the door, you fall in. You can go to: The Kitchen, The Living room, or upstairs
    you begin to feel better. As you leave, you hear a suspect squelchy vwoompy noise from behind you.
    you do a really cool roll through the window. It hurts, because it hurts to smash yourself into glass, but you shake it off. You then hear sirens! They had a silent alarm!
  7. I inspect the bathroom.
  8. I walk into the bar.
  9. (Are there any characters in the same general area/building as another character?)

    Mitsukai, still on high alert, makes her way to the living room.
  10. I sprint into the backyard of another persons house then hide.
  11. There is a toilet, a sink, a cupboard, and a bathtub with bloodstained curtains.
    "Hey, want to get a drink?" Asks the bartender.
    (uhm, me and alice, but no one's really that close to you)
    There is a TV, a sofa, and some lights.
  12. I check the cupboard, afterwards I head back to the room with the other person. I noticed the door in there and hope to inspect it.
  13. the cupboard has bleach, and some TP.
    The door's locked
  14. (A-A what?! xD)
    I stop and let my fox ears slowly come out so I can hear the sound better, but I leave them mostly in so nobody else can see them. I turn to Sonaria "....Can you hear that?"
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  15. I wake up, remembering I've had very rough dreams.
    I don't really remember anything else of before sleep though. I might just be tired.
    I figure I should probably investigate the area around me.
    AliceF3 likes this.
  16. I remember the key I found earlier, and attempt to unlock the door with it.
  17. Mitsukai inspects the room, but finds nothing, and she moves on to the kitchen.
  18. (a squelshy vwoompy noise, like schhhhllllpfffffffcooooshhh)
    I point to behind Moni.
    "Um.... yeah...."
    Behind Moni, the doctor had turned into a falcon.
    "an anima..." I say under my breath.
    I turn into a wolf an get ready to attack.
    You see a treehouse a little while away.
    It works.
    As you walk inside, you see a corpse hanging from the light fixture, off a rope. There's another corpse that seems to be dissolving in a container.
    In the kitchen, there's a woman lying on the ground, dying or dead. There's also a fridge, a freezer, and a knife rack.
  19. I try to get out of the tree and attempt to find my way to the treehouse, hoping it's safe for me out here.
  20. I unintentionally growl at the 'doctor', but I quickly stop myself. Sonaria looked at me desperately "Moni! You need to transform! You can't do this as a hu-" I shoot her a warning look
    "I can't" I say bluntly "I'm a human not a monster" and I shake the fur from my chest back down

    (Moni's had a hard backstory, I might update her info at some point)