[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Mitsukai, because of her pureness, cannot even THINK of passing the house without making sure whoever screamed is ok. She crawls towards the house, and peeks in through the window splattered with the red liquid, looking in through a part where the liquid missed covering.
  2. I walk up to the man and ask him, "What is this city called?"
  3. "Upstairs, in my room! it's under the bed, in the red box!"
    She sees a person's figure lying on the ground. From what you can tell, it's probably female, but you can't be certain because of the darkness. It's covered in blood. You hear a low creak coming from somewhere in the house.
    "Golach." He Replies
  4. "Your services are no longer required." with that said I slit his throat. I go into his room to retrieve his money.
  5. Mitsukai uses her wings to fly up to the roof of the house to see if there are any entrances or items there.

    The angel winces as she feels that an innocent's blood was shed.
    607 likes this.
  6. I walk inside the city.
  7. When you open the box, it explodes in your face. You get thrown back. As you hit the wall, you hear crumbling. The floor caves out from under you! The roof begins to fall apart you have to get out!
    She notices a patio in the back.
    You are in town square. There is an inn, a bar, and some houses.
  8. I shake my body, causing my chest fur to puff out and cover my marks. "....Yes" I step back slightly to study the newcomer more "And about being alright..." I turn slightly to show off the hole in my shoulder and blood stained fur, getting slightly redder by the second "....I've seen better days...." I turn slightly defensive "Why are you here..." I step back, curl my tail in and press my ears into my head "You shouldn't be seeing me like this...." I whisper

    (Does Sonaria have a character sheet anywhere? Any info?)
    607 likes this.
  9. Being tempted to sleep in the bed I turn away and walk towards the door.
  10. (not really, im going to do a write-up though)
    Come on, we need to get you to CrescentLight to get you healed up. That shot could kill you.
    (wait, the exit door or the other door in the room)
    607 likes this.
  11. I give her a disapproving look and take a few steps backwards, I take another deep breath to calm myself, and successfully turn back to my human form. I take a short moment to study my shoulder, still with the bullet in and still practically covered in blood.... "Why did I even check?" I think. Sonaria gives me a questioning look, most Anima will walk practically everywhere in animal form, but it quickly disappears. I brush my hair out of my eyes "What's your name...?"
  12. "Sonaria" I reply.
    "We need to get you fixed up."

  13. (Either Im blind or the details aren't there. Or you haven't done them yet, that's possible to)
    "...Sonaria..." I remind myself "Well, Sonaria, let's go then... You lead the way...." I find myself still looking down at her animal form "....I'd prefer if you changed form, I feel like I'm taking a pet for a walk..."
  14. The one in the room.
  15. I turn back into a human.
    "Come on, it's this way."
    We arrive at CrescentLight.
  16. You open the door, and see blood splattered all over the walls. It's a bathroom.
  17. I follow Sonaria further into the town until we reach a rather large building "Is this it...?" I ask her, giving the building a quick look
  18. "yes, it is. Come on, we need to get you healed up."
  19. I gesture for her to lead the way again, she seems to know what she's doing. I may live in CresentLight, but that doesn't particularly mean I've actually looked around the place. Sonaria walks in and I follow her closely, she explains to someone inside that I've suffered a 'severe' wound, I obediently turn slightly to show her the bullet wound. She gasps and tells me to follow her immediately, going towards quite a high-tech looking room. She sits me down on a chair and starts talking to me
  20. Is there a window in the Room?