[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I look around, seeing if there's anything I can rest on.
  2. (was your dad made from stone or something, or did a human have a kid with dirt?)
    You look around and see tombstones, and someone faced away from you.
    (nothing is ever close enough)
    The bird lands near you. You seem to think it knows you.

    (the 4th wall break was so tempting, you don't even know xD I wasnt even planning on making this a bird at all, but I couldn't think of anything better)
    There's a bed and a dresser.
  3. (Lol) I approach the being.
  4. O_O

    I sit down at the bed and think. I think, I think for minutes. Then I lay down, and continue thinking for a long while. I'm definitely not going to fall asleep though.
    By the way, is there such a thing as day and night here?
    AliceF3 likes this.
  5. (there isn't really)
    You hear a knock at the door.
  6. I sit up (hard to find proper English for what I really wanted to say...)
  7. (like, day cycle?)
    (dont worry english is my first language and it took me ages to think of that)
    "Is anyone here?"
  8. Oh wow, I wish I could make a character for this but it seems to be too late...
    AliceF3 likes this.
  10. Alright, going to use a character from a book series I've been writing...
    The only problem is, this character possesses the power to manipulate fire, but I got Warrior. Can he keep his powers?
    Character Name: Blaze
    Character Gender: Male

    Character Class: Warrior
    Character Race: Human

    Side: Lightside
    Hometown: Golach

    Appearance: Fifteen-year-old boy with reddish brown hair that seems to be in a mess. Blue eyes.
    He's fast, but not too fast, and is quite vulnerable to attacks. Best trait is strength and fire manipulation. He is arrogant and easy to annoy, and rages often. Blaze can be quite immature in the way he speaks and acts. He dosen't really care what other people think and will do whatever. However , despite this, deep inside he is compassionate and caring.
    AliceF3 and CaziCookie like this.
  11. Name: Emma-Lee
    Gender: Female

    Race: Elvish
    Morality: Lightside
    Hometown: CrescentLight

    Attached Files:

    607, AliceF3 and ParodyMaster6 like this.
  12. I shy away from it, growling deeply. I raise my paw to bat it away, but distant shouting stops me "Hey wolf face! Away from my falcon!" it sounds like a girl.... I see her running towards me. She has black hair, like my own, we look quite similar, but she has a kind purple glow about her. I glare at her as she runs up to me, angry yet weirdly curious and nervous. She scoops up the bird, shooting me an accusing glare. The girl sits down, checking her demon spawn of a bird before letting it run around her arms like a circus animal.
    I transform into a human, ignoring her surprise "Look, I can do magic tricks as well" I grunt at her, she looks slightly offended, maybe even upset "Come on kid, say something or I might slice you and that pigeon of yours into nice little squares"
    "S-Sorry" she stammers "I haven't seen an Anima before" she sees my annoyance and quickly switches the topic "This my falcon, he helps me around. And I'm Mira, I...explore places" she seems unsure about her own hobby, as if hiding something
    "Well whatever" I jump up and land in wolf form "You don't seem like a threat. At all" I grin "Maybe nice even, unlike myself. But this place is dangerous, kid. I wouldn't stay here on your own" at her worried look I add "want to explore places with me?" I immediately regret asking as she nods, obvious happy I decided to not make her into soup

    I scowl at her "Let's go..." I lower my voice as I remember Glutton
    607 likes this.
  13. you could change the class to magician or something i suppose
    You wake up lying underneath a bed. There's a cabinet and a box in the room as well.
  14. (I know this looks like something that i'd say "don't do that", but i've already approved this, it was actually my idea)

    (wut do i put here)
  15. I lead her back to the door where Chaos was. I walk in, looking around for him
  16. After clearing up my business, I return to Moni. She is accompanied by another. I recognize the face, almost as if I had known them before. "Hello?"
  17. I examine the underside of the bed, in between the wooden boards, and along the lining of the mattress. Then I cautiously roll out, and jump up into a crouching stance. I scan the room, and in seeing no one, relax into a standing position. I then grab the bed mattress and rip it open, in search for more materials.
  18. Mira looks silently at Chaos, as if shocked by all this new stuff, unsure how to react. I step in "Her name's Mira, I found her in the field" I shrug the whole thing off, as if it was the only thing I could do. In reply, Mira weakly smiles at me. I think inside she knows I'm not very fond of her.... I focus my attention back to Chaos "So, Mr-Apparently-Saved-My-Life, what next?"
  19. Ok, sounds good. Blaze is now a magician then :)
  20. You find: A spring and a stick.
    "I... uh..." I recognize the face from a while ago... The last time I saw her, she was with another. "Who-who did you say this was?"
    You awaken on top of a roof.