[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. It's not too late to join, our stories are mostly independent anyway (though I wouldn't mind if my story gets connected to someone else's, as long as that person actually plays well and not just leaves me confused)
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  2. Thanks, I'll begin in a few minutes. As for the other questions about class and mortality, can you answer those?
  3. (I don't know how the above is gonna look)

    I try to bring it to eye level to see it closer, but fails miserably :(
  4. No, I don't know.
  5. (he don't know XD)
  6. (pff, dwarves can learn magic)
    (um... it would have to be darkside, i think... I mean, you could turn good, but you're basically using dark magic, so... I think that would have to be darkside :/)
  7. *can't lead off this*
    You wake up in a dark space. You feel something inside your mouth.
  8. T
    The something feels slimy. I spit it out on the ground. I cant make it out in the darkness... I pock it up and run down an unknown path. Something trips me, then grabs me.
  9. (please don't change the story, I was planning on doing something else...)
    607 likes this.
  10. Did you just triple post? :eek:

    I try to head out in the direction of the shelter.
  11. yes

    You arrive at the shelter.
    a woman greets you. "Hello, how may we help you?"
  12. (argh, stupid mobile phone.)
    (What did ya have in mind?)
  13. I think you need to say less. Like, only say that you try to spit the thing out. Then let him reply again. You shouldn't say too many things at once, because that means princebee can't get a hold of the story anymore :)
    "Uh, you may help me with whatever you want, I guess... You see, I already didn't have a home, but I earned some money in the woods. Then, some time ago (How far away is the shelter? Did I walk a few minutes or a few hours?) I got robbed and I lost everything again..." :/
  14. I attempt to spit it out.
  15. I glare at them, my tail waving from side to side. Now would be a good time to practice, I decide. I might be part human, but the wolf instinct burns inside.
    I sneak through the grass, keeping my body low, and run at the chickens
    607 likes this.
  16. (don't worry, i had that problem once, and it happens on enjin all the time xD)
    (You're supposed to be in a grave :p)
    (this explains it really well)

    (about a 20 minute walk)
    "Oh, well, you can stay here for a while."
    You realize it is dirt, there's not much room to spit it in, so it lands on you again.
    They notice you and begin to run away.
  17. I push off with my back legs to get more distance towards them
    607 likes this.
  18. You begin to catch up. They split up into 2 groups of 3.
    607 likes this.
    They go left and right. Sneaky chickens, making it all difficult for me. I sprint towards the left group, slashing out with my front paws
    607 likes this.
  20. I laughed out loud for a while at that xD

    "Okay, thank you."
    AliceF3 likes this.