[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. (i died here xD)
    It hits one. The others run faster, because they dun wanna die.
    "Here, it's for room 132." She gives you a key.
  2. (Chicken jokes :3)

    I would keep chasing, but I hit the fattest one, so I don't see much point. I use my front paw to pin the chicken as I bite it right in the neck
  3. The others hide. You hear a noise coming from above.
  4. I drop the dead chicken in shock. I look up to see what the noise is
  5. "Wow, how many rooms are there?" I drop the key. "Oops."
  6. You see a large bird.
    "A lot- oh, let me get that for you." She bends down to grab the key.
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  7. I'm not really content with that answer, but oh well, I know I'll find out later. "Thank you. Now - where do I need to go?
  8. In my head, I know it's probably something that will kill me in the most painful and disgusting way possible, but I still ignore it and pick up the chicken again
    607 likes this.
  9. "Just up this hallway and to your left."
    You hear the noise again.
  10. I drop the chicken, this time out of pure annoyance, and bark my loudest and the bird
    607 likes this.
  11. Maybe "at the bird"? ;)
    I try to follow her directions, seeing where I come out.
    AliceF3 and princebee like this.
  12. The bird swoops in...
    You find yourself at your room.
  13. I begin to dig what I think is up.
  14. You have dirt fall on you. You begin to lose focus...
  15. I wake up with hands on me and small eyes watching me.
  16. (still changing the story...)
    607 likes this.
  17. (Well, what should I do after that? I feel like if I continue with dirt, my mother might as well have been a dirt block...)
  18. (that's a weird mother)
    (uhm... ill keep going then)

    You begin to see light. You emerge in what seems to be a graveyard.
  19. (Yeah... Odd family tree.)

    I sit up, unsure of what's going on.
    607 likes this.
  20. Close enough, right? >.<

    I pick up my chicken quickly, afraid of the bird taking it. Is this it? Is this the revenge the birds are giving me for killing one of their cousins?
    607 likes this.