[Forum Game] Battle of the Sexes

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, Mar 21, 2016.


Whom do you want to win?

Boy 63 vote(s) 22.6%
Girl 56 vote(s) 20.1%
I am an Apache Attack Helicopter 160 vote(s) 57.3%
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  1. 280.

    For some reason I think we're not making much progress. Which is actually a good thing, because.....

    (uh oh, Shell is in his weekend mood! :eek: )

    So I remember earlier: boys easily rolled over. But now not so much.

    Therefor only 2 scenario's are possible....

    1) All the boys gave up.
    2) All the girls are now out to get us.


    3) This code snippet:
    10 print "Hello everyone!"
    20 goto 10
    3 scenarios are possible :)

    Does this entitle me to vote twice? no? awwwww :D
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  2. 278
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. 277

    That's a funny joke, Shel. Lol :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
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