Flags are just annoying now

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by mba2012, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Well this + Perm groupings will make it so much quicker to add flags to players. It's a good first step until something else can be figured out.

    I'd probably opt for a chat version of setting flags with the new 1.7 clickable text than a chest though.

    Chest will require a lot more effort, and could run out of room if we keep adding flags.

    But with chat, we can do something like

    /res pset Aikar
    Aikar Flags:
    + [build], [use], [container], [redstone]
    - [minecart], [bucket]

    And clicking them toggles it. hovering describes what they give
  2. I like the simplicity of this. One problem I see with it is that if Chat is busy you could be trying to hit a moving target. Is there a way to stop it temporarily maybe until we hit Enter to confirm our choices?
    607 likes this.
  3. Could auto turn off chat then auto re-enable it in 30 seconds?
    Luke4214 and hashhog3000 like this.
  4. Seems like that might be long enough, but you never know. You can't re-enable it based on a keystroke? How does the clickable text work? Maybe there could be something in the text to click like "Done" that turns Chat back on.
    hashhog3000 and 607 like this.
  5. They may make a post about it somewhere
  6. I'm aiming to deploy sometime tonight. Was wanting to do last night, but went to bed.

    I have A LOT of bug fixes to go out now (Wastelands Portal issue should finally be fixed....)
  7. If it's possible, I'm sure simply placing all new messages above the flag settings until chat is closed again would be a less pesky way to do it. It would also ensure you could still read new messages with Pgup.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  8. Well, due to how MC works... the only way to do that would be to resend EVERY old message in the clients backlog again each message.... :/
    hashhog3000 and 607 like this.
  9. Hiw about, a way for users to create templates.

    As in, they can create a nickname for a set of flags that they use all the time. If some one os hiring someone else to do a large project, that can create a template of flags that will be assigned to one flag. Like, "Builder" would get redstone, build, destroy, etc.
    vividOptimism likes this.
  10. I think this is pretty close: http://track.empire.us/issue/EMC-343
  11. Yep the templates/groups will cover your desire there.