Final "Hoorah".[locked]

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TaylorGang, May 16, 2012.

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  1. I have personally shared numerous locations of mine with him. To my knowledge, he's never done anything. I know a few other "secret locations" that he knew about as well, and never did anything to. I even built a large spawner with him. Very odd.

    I'm going to go check them out now I suppose.
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  2. Aaaaaaand I bookmark. Thank you ISMOOCH, you are a genius. :)
  3. Everything looks fine. Hmm.
    margaritte likes this.
  4. You mean like the movie :p jk bro good luck on whatever it is sounds like it's going to take a while
    MR2R2M likes this.
  5. My picture says it all jlopez.
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  6. In all likelihood, he surpisingly had the prudence to realize that if he griefed those the blame would immediately be placed on him, as I assume that he was the only one who knee abot these locations. He probably picked places to grief based on the chances he wouldn't be caught.
    bonzd67 likes this.
  7. You know what? I am very disgusted by this. You invest your time and money to play on a server where people (for the most part) are nothing but nice to all players that deserve it. You have no soul and feed off the anger and loss of others. You complain about griefers and turn around and become trash like them. Not only do I pity you but I despise you.
    bonzd67 and SpaceShuttleFan like this.
  8. Thread title: 'Final Hoorah'
    Response: An infamous griefer has been banned? HOORAH!
  9. I agree. On the scene of arson fires or suspected arson fires, the person who set it is most likely to be an onlooker and have too much knowledge of the incident.
  10. Pretty sad way to see a "respected" member go out like this. I can't believe a diamond supporter would turn around and grief EMC. Griefers are automatically noobs, no matter how old they are. Enjoy your grave in SMP1! :p

    I'll close with this.

    P.S. If you're reading this, JT, the only reason we're attacking you is because you attacked us. You might have emotionally killed your fellow players. We'll remember you for this. Trust me. :mad:
  11. You jlopez. Well you have just trashed so much money, hardwork but most of all us EMC players... Your friends. You gained so many people's trust, our friendship so you could just use 5 minutes of it on someones work. What a waste. You have truly embarrassed yourself and judging by all of the other post im not the only one who is disappointed with you
  12. They should just add a new section to the forum where we trash banned players.
  13. Sadly, so true :(
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. a often mistake is that people think that diamond supporters can be trusted with anything and they never do anything bad, jlopez is proof that is false, never tell any 1 ur secrets unless u trust them
  15. I don't think that is entirely true. Numerous diamond members have been banned in the past. We are treated no differently than anyone else.
  16. i really don't think i can say wow enough, it is truly and completely :eek: < to say the least, how someone you thought you could trust/or was a good person, just.... isn't. its just heartbreaking that people lie, hurt, cheat, and destroy people. sure, this is just a game, but what you do on a simple game reflect who you are as a person... just. wow.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  17. I'm not talking about all diamond supporters. just the major griefers. :)
  18. This is why I am beginning to hate people...
    SpaceShuttleFan and battmeghs like this.
  19. beginning? i've hated man kind for years. i've lost hope for people when i was 14 and something happened that changed my life and how i look at people who are supposed to protect you.
    IamSaj and DesDeSable like this.
  20. Nowhere in the upgrade section does it say that one of the perks for supporters is immunity. Break the rules pay the consequences. Live and learn.... and don't be an idiot.
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