Fendy Photography

Discussion in 'Shutter Talk' started by FDNY21, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Why would you prefer something online above software?
  2. Anything that's free is considered :p
  3. Bump, still looking for a quick and easy editor. I can stick with imgur for now but it just means that I'll lose a bit of quality :)
  4. 6000th view is mine >:^)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  5. We're on 6,000 views? 0_0 We are! :eek:
    f_Builder_sDaNub likes this.
  6. Well, as I told you before, I like Paint.NET and consider it easy to use ;)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  7. I'll have to have a look into it a bit more, not sure if it will have a good enough text system though :p
  8. Ah, okay, I see what you mean. What I often do when I want nice looking text is use Word for a Word-art, and then copy the Word-art to Paint.NET for resizing, rotating, perhaps making it a watermark by increasing the transparency...
    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. Transparency... Good point, I'll have to consider that, we'll see :)
    607 likes this.
  10. Our first edit using Paint.NET... Hopefully the quality is better, but I'm not sure about the writing. What do you think of it? :)
    Qkazoochan likes this.
  11. Bump, thoughts on the latest image using the different edit?
  12. Not knowing anything about photography i cant see a difference :p
  13. If you look at the latest picture and the last one before it, you'll see that the writing/quality has changed... Hopefully they all look a bit better now as I'm not using advanced editor on imgur so that it doesn't scale down the pictures :) But, I was wondering if other people noticed the difference, or if I should just go back to imgur :p
    607 and f_Builder_sDaNub like this.
  14. Hm... I don't think it makes too much of a difference when watching it on the forums. You'll probably only notice it when you use it as a high-res background.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  15. I think it's most noticeable when you make the image bigger. The new editor makes the image blow up massively, it doesn't even fit on the screen :p Either way, I think it's safe to edit on either - I could use imgur for the normal ones and then use paint.NET for images that I plan to use for something more pro...
    607 likes this.
  16. Can't do edits on imgur at the minute as they have closed down their advanced editor :eek: I may try a bit more on Paint.NET later, or wait for imgur to come back up, though it was down yesterday too so we'll have to see :)
  17. I've installed a new program to edit images with, what do you think of this image from Rallyday and the new way of watermarking so that I keep quality? Does it look better? :D
    Qkazoochan and 607 like this.
  18. Bump, opinions on the latest watermarking? :)