Fendy Photography

Discussion in 'Shutter Talk' started by FDNY21, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. The MG EXE concept car, mid-engined sports car now preserved at Gaydon Museum! Taken on holiday 2015
    Qkazooo, Hashhog and Deadmaster98 like this.
  2. This thread is mostly cars, a few trains, and not a lot else... But, while on holiday, I got some pictures of some other things! Here's a pony at Beamish:
  3. Here's another pony, this time hitting the hay after a long day! :D
    Qkazooo, Hashhog, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  4. That's a pony? To me, it looks more like a horse.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  5. It was in a pony stable in Beamish, this one must be growing up because I certainly agree that it is quite large for a pony :) Many decades ago, ponies used to work the mine carts in the mines in Durham where Beamish is, and because it's called the "living museum", it actually has all of the stuff there. That means the ponies are stabled here, but no, they haven't gone back into the mines for decades, the mines were shut down a long time ago, it's just as a museum type thing if you know what I mean :p
    607 likes this.
  6. Ah, that sounds quite interesting!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  7. The full name, "Beamish, the Living Museum of the North", it's a really interesting place! It's like it's stuck in the past but all the people that visit are people going back in time, just wearing, well, new clothes? :confused::rolleyes:
    607 likes this.
  8. Ah... that's one of them old-fashioned cars, then? Pony... yeah, like the forerunner of the Mustang, right? I haven't seen that model before.
    Kephras, FDNY21 and 607 like this.
  9. Well, horses are heavily associated with cars actually - as you say, the Mustang for example is a model name... Not only that, but we use the term "horsepower" to determine a car's power, that's based on horses too. Guess we're still going pro-car here at Fendy Photography ;)
    607 and hashhog3000 like this.