Expansion to Blue Ribbon Hotel to Four Lots!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ignoramoose, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. I was checking our your hotel the other day and it truly is fantastic! Would love to see an addition. Also, totally a random side note, but I'm so glad you're a moderator! The BEST decision made by ICC and/or JustinGuy by far. :)
    ignoramoose and mba2012 like this.
  2. Looks cool!
    nfell2009 likes this.
  3. I donated a bunch of random stuff that I'm sure you'll find some use for :p
    I just happened to have tons of extra sandstone.

    Good luck with your hotel, it looks awesome so far!
    ignoramoose and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  4. Okay, time for an update :eek:.

    Here's the list:
    36 suites (32 done ;))
    36 penthouses (need shower wiring done by my brother and his friend but mostly furnished :cool:)
    16-20 garden penthouses (a slight upgrade from normal penthouses and 1 done)
    estimated 12 mega-penthouses (or a better name once i or someone else thinks of it) which i am in the process of designing now :p...

    I am once again in need of netherbrick and the shops are sold out on smp2. Let me know if you sell any and I will buy lots. :D

    Once again thx to the many donators who have made this build less harmful on my and ignoramoose's rupee wallets.

    Here's a pic of the current progress and some construction =D

    progress so far =D
    all four residences joined and three penthouses in each corner:
    size of the mega-penthouse (currently designing insides)
  5. How much do I have to donate now to get a mega-penthouse?
  6. alexchance was at 110,000 as top bidder though there will be multiple mega penthouses (12 probably) =D
    Donators have access to first choice in rooms so if you want one of the first spots, i suggest you donate. It all goes into the hotel rooms anyways =D
    mba2012 likes this.
  7. btw if you have any ideas for the mega penthouse interior, please feel free to post your ideas as i am currently experiencing designing "block" and i need help =P
  8. I finally took a look around the place and as soon as I did my jaw droped the place is amazing. I'm seriously considering getting a penthouse.
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  9. I haven't been by there in quite a while... Maybe tomorrow
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  10. Awesome, just awesome I shoot you a donation right now,
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  11. Updated the main post. Dwight5273 has just donated 20000 rupees!!!
  12. am I on the donation board?
  13. I might donate but I don't really have that much. :(
  14. I believe you are.

    Then I wouldn't. I don't want to be running people out of rupees, and there's still a lot of work left. We're just taking donations to speed the process along and we put the donation money towards the room cost at the end (so for instance dwight's room would be 20k off - a la free for a penthouse or really cheap for a mega-penthouse).
    mba2012, Dwight5273 and nfell2009 like this.
  15. Okay, well I decided it was time for an update so here goes...

    We are now building the mega penthouse exteriors (still need a new name for those)...
    I have almost finished designing the MP (megapenthouse), just have some final touches to put on it.

    Here's what I have so far:
    Great Hall
    Garden Area/Indoor Pool
    sitting room with central fireplace
    fitness center
    media room (big tv)
    bedroom with attached bathroom
    library area
    game room

    Let me know of any other ideas you guys have and I can maybe incorporate them...we want these to be AMAZING!
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  16. Hi
    [Ill read it and reply]
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  17. Battmeghs has donated 80,000 rupees!

    Updated the first page totals!
    battmeghs and mba2012 like this.
  18. I'll donate 24091r, gotta get me back in the top 3...
    (Will put me at 80001)
  19. Amazing. Pure awesomeness. :D
    Any ideas of the cost of a penthouse?
  20. ImParanoid has donated an additional 24091r! (Putting him at 80,001r)!

    A regular penthouse will remain the same pricing as before (8k). The mega penthouses will end up being around 24k-30k. They are an entire 60 by 60 lot in size by 24 blocks tall - somewhere between 4 and 6 times as large as the regular penthouses.