Expansion to Blue Ribbon Hotel to Four Lots!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ignoramoose, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. As highest donator... Do I get a room? :3
    battmeghs and Biscuitboy5396 like this.
  2. Biscuitboy has donated an additional 30k...
  3. Just some 2 questions:
    Is there an estimated date of completion?
    How can we buy a room?
  4. We just received about three chests of netherbrick which should help make it to the next floor (or at least most of the way)...

    ETC is definitely dependent on materials as I have finished the designing so its just copying what i have already. Once we are completely done, we will allow the donators to pick their rooms starting with the highest donator. After they have selected, we will allow purchasing by the general public.
  5. >.< as soon as I get on in an hour or so, i'm donating another 10k. As always go team paranoid XD.
    EDIT 400th post :D
  6. You don't have much to worry about. Technically the only way you wouldn't get a room is if enough people donated more than you to knock you down to 9th place (or possibly 13th).

    I updated the main post :)
  7. another 30k has been donated to the ImParanoid team by Pro_GANGST4
  8. Oops, did I say only 10k?
  9. Updated the main post. Pro_Gangst4 donated an additional 30k!
  10. If i donate 8k will i get a normal penthouse?
  11. Kris, check your rupee history, I'm pretty sure team paranoid is in the no.1 spot! (by 1 r)
  12. Hmmm all this donating going around is their a bug lol jk next time I'm on I sent more your way don't how much yet but going going be a chunk of change :D
  13. PRO_GANGST4 has donated an additional 602 rupees...
  14. BIscuitboy has donated an additional 15k =D
  15. >.< well im out of rupees, imparanoid your turn!
  16. hmmm...i dont know what to say...
  17. It's the trololo song!
  18. Yes. These donations are for the super / mega penthouses as of now. We've got several penthouses available and they cost 8k.

    And I've updated the donations to reflect the additional 602 rupees :)

    Edit: and the 15k donated by biscuitboy while i was typing this :)
  19. Ok ill think about it.