Expansion to Blue Ribbon Hotel to Four Lots!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ignoramoose, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. i used smooth sandstone on my wool farm at 4002 =D
  2. Updated the main post to reflect mister_rapio's donation of 17000 rupees!

    In my defense, I was tired.
    _Stads_, mba2012 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  3. Nole972 donated 40k :)
  4. Updated the main page to reflect this! This 40k means Nole972 has donated a total of 112601 rupees so far!
  5. Thankyou for adding me to the post :) I'll be donating more soon :D
  6. lol You're awfully generous! :D
  7. I'll donate 5000r when I can get on. (It's most of what I have. I'm working on a project myself, so I have to keep some rupees for my self!)
  8. Btw, both of the Nether brick chests are full. :)
  9. Once I get to 20k rupees, I'll be donating 1k (hopefully :p)
  10. I donated 5000r
  11. Thanks. I'll empty them tonight.

    I've updated the main post. Matthew12hydro has donated a total of 5000 rupees!
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  12. *cough* 5500r...
  13. Not sure what the cough is about, but SuperVal_Junior has donated 5500 rupees! Updating the front page now.
  14. I think they may have a nasty Cold
    SoulPunisher, mba2012 and supremedr like this.
  15. I donate in glowstone. Need any? I got nothing to really do with it.
  16. yeah.... *bad cough*
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. The exterior is official built to block height 200!!!

    Only 56 more to go!
  18. Updated the totals with nole972's missing donation. That puts him in the lead with 132,601 rupees!

    That brings the totals to:

    Nole972 has donated a total of 132601 rupees
    Biscuitboy has donated a total of 125602 rupees
    ImParanoid has donated a total of 110603 rupees (Pro_G4ngst4 donated 40702 of it).
    Alexchance has donated a total of 110000 rupees
    Battmeghs has donated a total of 80000 rupees
    Dwight5273 has donated a total of 20000 rupees
    mister_rapio has donated a total of 17000 rupees
    SuperVal_Junior has donated a total of 5500 rupees
    Matthew12hydro has donated a total of 5000 rupees
    Nfell2009 has donated 2500 rupees
    Migueldemesa has donated a total of 2000 rupees
    Soulpunisher has donated 1000 rupees
    _Stads_ has donated 500 rupees
  19. Biscuitboy has donated an additional 107,999 rupees. This brings his total to 233,601r. ;)
    mba2012 likes this.