Expansion to Blue Ribbon Hotel to Four Lots!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ignoramoose, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. That boy is rich.
  2. I updated the signs =D
    Nole972 and mba2012 like this.
  3. Updated the first page to reflect Biscuitboy5396's 107k donation. That puts him at 233,601 rupees donated!
    Manglex and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  4. Materials alert! We are officially out of sandstone and need more chests. Buy signs are already set up at 3765 =D

    In addition, we need:
    Red wool
    Blue wool
    Oak Logs
    Pine Logs

    I'll try to get a good estimate up of exact numbers as soon as I can.
  5. i may have a few stacks of red wool sitting around, same with some blue wool.

    what about oak planks?! i have a TON of planks, or do you just want the logs? i also have a few stacks of pistons, and a few stacks of glass that i probably wont need/use that i would be willing to sell. :)
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  6. Oak planks are actually needed more than logs...for pine, we need both...
    Sell red wool to 3879, Blue wool i'll have ignoramoose set up a chest for...
    pistons, i need at least 15 stacks, though i thin kit will be more like 20...
    you can sell glass to 3004 =D
  7. How much would it be to have a permanent room? (list all the types and price if you can)
  8. where do you want me to sell the oak planks? i'll gather all the red and blue wool i have, just let me know when chests are set up for the blue, and i'll see how much glass i have that i can sell.
    i know i don't have enough pistons, i have like, 3 stacks, so i might as well just keep them for when i use them.
  9. I remember donating quite a bit when you guys first started this project! Like 25k or so. This was almost two months ago so if you two don't remember that's fine, but if you do I'd love to be on the wall! :D
  10. I'll look into it. I dont remember there being a donation from you toward the expansion project, but I'll see what rupee logs can come up with. If you have any screenshots, etc to help nail down a time, please forward them to me.
  11. Sell whatever you can to 3004, its set up to buy almost anything =D And its where I am pulling stuff from to make the hotel.
    battmeghs likes this.
  12. suite = 2k
    penthouse = 8k
    garden penthouse = 10k
    mega penthouse = ?k (40-50k estimated, depends on total numbers)
  13. We have located the transaction that you are referring to of 20,000 rupees and will update the board with this information.We apologize for the oversight on our part.

    Going forward and to anyone who plans to donate, please make sure that you NOTIFY us of your donation (close to the time that you send it) on this forum so that it doesn't escape us in the rupee history. We will then verify the transaction and update the donation list. Any donations not mentioned in the forum from this point forward will be labeled as gifts and will not count toward nor add your name toward the donation board. I have over 2,460 pages of rupee history alone, not counting Krisjr91 or Ignoramoose's, and it takes time to sort through to find one transaction. This is time that Ignoramoose and I could be spending on the hotel construction...

    We thank you all for the tremendous help you have given to this project and are working to see it constructed as soon as we can. Please pm me on the website or in game if you have any questions you would like to ask me and I'll be glad to help. :)
    mba2012 and Manglex like this.
  14. If I lose this donating war...
    *edit* Just dropped of like 15 stacks of Oak Logs.... do with them what you please :)
    Nole972, mba2012 and battmeghs like this.
  15. :eek: biscuit you aren't diamond anymore?
  16. Not for the time being.
  17. I probably won't beat you anyways. I'm saving my money for another thing.
    Nole972 likes this.
  18. Edit: ^ I don't know what happened there...
  19. Approximately how many of each type of rooms?