Expansion to Blue Ribbon Hotel to Four Lots!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ignoramoose, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. I've sent you 1r to make this even... other donators may go over this amount but I figured I'll just make a clear winner.
    mba2012 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  2. Updated main post to reflect the 1r donation.
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. I think this is really cool for you guys to be doing something like this. I am definitely interested in purchasing a permanent penthouse suite for myself so keep updating the information so I can see how it is going. Also I am wondering how much I would have to pay in order to receive a penthouse. Thanks
  4. Well, this motivates me to really make the LSCC outpost ambitious :3
  5. I have edited the main post to explain the room types and prices so they are easier to locate. :)
  6. How you doing that? Editing my posts and such. How do I keep things out of date now!?!?!?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. Is it a per month thing or pay once and done?
  8. The prices on the first page are the price to own the room. Pay once and its yours.
  9. Biscuitboy has donated 1k to the project, bringing his total to 301,000 rupees. I have updated the main post.
  10. I'm thinking of donating a little more, I'll probably do it next time I go online :D
  11. Don't post anymore! You hit 2012 posts xD
  12. Yeah lol, I can't though! The addiction is eating me alive! :D
  13. I've updated the first page original post with the status, a new picture, and more information as we near completion!
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  14. Colesta1200 has donated 10k. I have updated the main post.
  15. Is there anything else you can tell us about the Estate?
  16. It's the largest room with a large double staircase and 3 floors. Any specific questions?
  17. What type of furnishings does it have or has that not been set in stone yet?
  18. I have done most, if not all, of the furnishings. The bottom floor is primarily red wool with variations in the three alcoves. The upstairs is pine plank. We elected to stay with our furniture design from the other rooms and use nether brick a lot as it accents the sandstone.

    EDIT: If you would like a look inside a furnished estate, you can catch me on smp2 and I can let you see. :)
    pat2011 likes this.
  19. I donated 10k!!! :D
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  20. Pat2011 has donated 10k! Added to the main post :)