Expansion to Blue Ribbon Hotel to Four Lots!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by ignoramoose, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. SthenosX has donated 20k. I have updated the main post again :)
  2. I don't play much anymore. But I will be soon, so I'm donating 189,397r. Should put me at 300,000 exact.
  3. Hey, I have a question regarding my donations under imparanoid's name. Will that be taken off the cost of a room, should I decide to purchase one?
  4. Updated the main post with your donation! Thanks!!!

    Yes it would. You'd technically pick 7th for a room as of now. ImParanoid has donated well above the cost of a room - so it's not a problem. If you'd like, I can split your donations off of the ones for imparanoid - up to you.
  5. EDIT: I was moosed...
    PRO_G4NGST4 likes this.
  6. +
    Doesnt add up =P
    PRO_G4NGST4 likes this.
  7. Surprisingly we said the same thing. The big thing is that if Pro_gangsta would like a room, he wouldnt get to pick until 7th and his donations would need to be separate to be fair to the other donators.
  8. Ok then, I'd like to separate from team paranoid(sorry imparanoid!). On top of that, I've donated 9298r, which should bring team me up to 50k :)
  9. Oops! I read yours as a "You have to share" and ignora's as "You can share", my bad:)
  10. I've updated the main post. Thanks for the additonal 9298r donation!
  11. Cordial_Pie has donated 900r! Updated main post to reflect this.

    We're also out of netherbrick again - as I didn't think about the extra double chest used to decorate each estate. Let me know if you've got some in stock and I'll buy it up.
  12. Aaaand once again I go just above, sent 1k to kryssy, putting me at 301,001
  13. Confirmed. Updating main post now.
  14. SthenosX has donated an additional 125,000 rupees! I've updated the donation boards to show it :)

    That brings the donation list to:
    kevdudeman has donated a total of 301,001 rupees
    Biscuitboy5396 has donated a total of 301,000 rupees
    ImParanoid has donated a total of 259298 rupees
    Nole972 has donated a total of 133601 rupees
    SthenosX has donated a total of 145000 rupees
    Alexchance has donated a total of 110000 rupees
    Battmeghs has donated a total of 80000 rupees
    Pro_G4ngst4 has donated a total of 50000 ruppes
    Dwight5273 has donated a total of 20000 rupees
    mister_rapio has donated a total of 17000 rupees
    colesta1200 has donated a total of 10000 rupees
    pat2011 has donated a total of 10000 rupees
    SuperVal_Junior has donated a total of 5500 rupees
    Matthew12hydro has donated a total of 5000 rupees
    Nfell2009 has donated 2500 rupees
    Migueldemesa has donated a total of 2000 rupees
    Soulpunisher has donated 1000 rupees
    Cordial_Pie has donated 900 rupees
    _Stads_ has donated 500 rupees
    Dwight5273 and mba2012 like this.
  15. By the way, I'm assuming that estates are located at the very top of these towers. Will stairs/teleporters be added because I can't find any.
  16. Teleporters are being worked on on the very top of the residence. Go to 3657 to see :)
  17. I'll check it out tomorrow- I just watched skyfall so it's 12:40 AM here.
    Hows it back in nov. 23? :p
  18. That's correct. Estates are on the top 3 floors. I've built the teleporters for the red residence (3764). They're on the top at 3657 - you'll just have to walk to the red section.

    The bottom of the buildings will also have teleports, but the /v spawn location will be on the roof. It would really be a shame to waste a view from 4 res's at near max height.
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  19. In need of netherbrick and sandstone. Sell to 3765. I updated main post too =)
  20. Ilostmyshorts has donated 100,000r to the project. Thanks!
    mba2012 likes this.