{EVENTS} Something Fishy ... To Build :)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Raaynn, Oct 30, 2019.


Do you enjoy?

Fishing? 15 vote(s) 51.7%
Building? 21 vote(s) 72.4%
Mining? 19 vote(s) 65.5%
Survival PVE? 15 vote(s) 51.7%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. So ready for the next one!!! I cant wait to see what is built!!!
    Nickblockmaster and Raaynn like this.
  2. I'll try to make it! :)

    Really excited to start joining into all of these member events. Eventually want to host my own
  3. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend. I will have some guests over to my house that day. I'll do what I can to attend the following event! :D
    Nickblockmaster and Raaynn like this.
  4. Went out to the area today to make sure its all ready for tomorrow and I see that Raaynn has set up a little hut and is ready like I am to do some fishing and building and having a good time!!!! cant wait for tomorrow!!!
    Nickblockmaster and Raaynn like this.
  5. I'd love to join you, but I'm afraid I'll be unavailable at both times. Have fun everyone, hope you all get lots of fish and bonus treasure. SkeleTin has a knack for catching lilypads, so if you get any of those, toss 'em to him. :p
    SkeleTin007 and Raaynn like this.
  6. That was such a fun event! Thank you to the hosts and all who came. I loved the fishing, building, and just overall interaction. Also, the contests were a nice way to add some spice-- cough cough I won the building >:)

    Anyways, I look forward to any future events you may hold and you have inspired me to stay a resident of our newly built fishing location.
  7. Today's fotos uploaded in post 16 !

    Over 80,000 rupees awarded today! Plus a fresh Turkey Slicer from today's battles :)

    Bugsy was the winner of this events Build award.
  8. Thanks again for organizing and hosting, Raaynn! These fishing events are lots of fun and a really good mix of building, fishing, monster/turkey hunting (went from level 0 to 68!), little "quests", and just loafing around, hanging out and having firework partys. Looking forward to the next one!

    (P.S.: Had a little Shift button accident, there may be spare iron pants in the safehouse :))
    BreezyMan, Nickblockmaster and Raaynn like this.
  9. Survival Something Fishy (still to build...)
    December 18th
    Something Fishy.... To Build With Raaynn and CliffCraft
    Time Slot 1: 8am - 930am
    Time Slot 2: 5pm - 630pm
    Location: TBA

    Various Prizes each event
  10. Wednesday. Dec 18th.
    Location: Wild W / SMP7
    Go through Nether Portal at Spawn and follow the signs :)

    Was a little slow this morning... but Blizz popped in for a visit, on top of Skele's House.
    10,000r in prizes given out today!

    Musta been lonely up there though, so after he jumped down I brought him back to chill at my shack.
  11. An excellent idea! I do hope I’ll be able to make a future event like this :)
    Raaynn likes this.
  12. Survival Something Fishy (still to build...)
    January 10th
    Something Fishy.... To Build With Raaynn and CliffCraft
    Time Slot 1: 1 to 3 pm
    Time Slot 2: 6 to 8 pm
    Location: utopia

    Prizes at every event!
    KatydidBuild and BreezyMan like this.
  13. I’m gonna do some major landscaping this time around!!! So ready for it
  14. Gone Fishing! tomorrow bump.
  15. SO Excited first one of the year so prizes to be given and rupees too!!! Don't miss out!!!
  16. Gone Fishing!

    Today's Event will be in town on Utopia !! We are going to work on building a lake, some fishing areas, giveaway some prizes, and of course FISHING! Come join us for some fun at 1pm and/or 6pm.
    CliffCraft and MoreMoople like this.
  17. The res is open for building and fishing now until 8pm EMC time!!! come to 5125 on utopia for fishing and get a little spot for a cabin!!!
    Survival Something Fishy (still to build...)
    January 26th
    Something Fishy.... To Build With Raaynn and CliffCraft
    Time Slot 1: 10:30 am til DUSK (like 4pm maybe ;))
    Time Slot 2: above
    Location: Utopia

    This Event will run all day with a Build Competition going on, and as always...
    Prizes at every event!
    BreezyMan and CliffCraft like this.
  19. Continuation of Post #38
    There are 22 build areas (15x15ish) on the res that you will be able to build in for this event! Best build at the end of the Event will receive a pretty sweet prize!! so you wont wanna miss it.
    If you're planning on making it to this event you can go to the res now to look at the spots and comment what spot you want to build in and I will put your name on it here.. The day before the event if there are still open slots you can reserve another one that is directly next to the one you currently have requested.

    The res is on Utopia at /v +fishy
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    16. (taken) Gamemaster3158
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  20. Bumping this thread!!! Event is in 2 days!!! Wow! For this event again building competition! mega prize for the best boat shack/house whatnot. With 2 days until the event i am allowing the holding of 2 locations for building I am on the forums the rest of the day into tonight probably until midnight EMC time! Come by /v +fishy on utopia to see the selection!

    Prizes for the Builds are going to be Rupee Prizes
    1st: 30,000r
    2nd 20,000r
    3rd 10,000r

    You don't wanna miss this event!!