{EVENTS} Something Fishy ... To Build :)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Raaynn, Oct 30, 2019.


Do you enjoy?

Fishing? 15 vote(s) 51.7%
Building? 21 vote(s) 72.4%
Mining? 19 vote(s) 65.5%
Survival PVE? 15 vote(s) 51.7%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Bump! Today on Utopia!
  2. Muahahahhhhahaha I'm taking over this event for this day
    (with permission of Raaynn);)
    Next Event is dah dah tada
    Saturday February 22nd
    Times: 10am-12pm EMC Time
    AND Midnight Fishing: Starting at Midnight EMC time
    (it'll still be light in-game because its utopia but just think of it as night vision max lol)
    Both Events located on utopia at /v +fishy
    Stop by for:
    • Rupee Giveaways
    • Fishing
    • Building fishing huts.

    The largest bodies of water in town on Utopia
    Bring a head to add to the head tower.
    Fish in boats or on the bridges or on the edge of the water or in the air even (fly is on)
    KatydidBuild and SkeleTin007 like this.
  3. Event Starting in 10 min on Utopia at /v +fishy get your poles and come have some fun in town!
  4. yay coming!