[Event/Contest] The Giving Tree - February

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by EroseYT, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Hooray, it's February 35th. That means it's time to announce our February art contest winner!

  2. Woot February 35th! Gratz to all :)
    penfoldex and MVPdrose like this.
  3. Woo! thank you erosego!

  4. withers for all the artists!
  5. :D yay! a wither skull for me! :) Thank you erosego! :)
  6. Also a sneak peak for the March contest!
  7. Thank you so much for having a awesome contest and thank you for giving everyone a prize! Erosego... You are SO generous
  8. Gold blocks in cauldrons! Gee, wonder what that means.
    uglydragon likes this.
  9. Congratulations to the winner! And a very special thanks to erosego for holding such a amazing contest. =)
    uglydragon likes this.