[Event/Contest] The Giving Tree - February

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by EroseYT, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. please get it in by friday. Then it's march.
    uglydragon likes this.
  2. Happy March!
    creeperslayer789 likes this.
  3. yeah we have all been waiting quite a while now its way past february 16th which was the day they were due its march 3rd! Please try and decide in the next day or so. If thats not enough well we will all be frustrated immensely.
  4. I think all of you complaining that they need to hurry should calm down and just wait. Show them some respect because as stated by both:
    Put yourself in Erin's shoes and think about it. How would you like to take your time to make a contest, just to come back to a bunch of rude posts after something came up? Life happens, some of you don't have to worry about all that stuff because you still live with your parents and everything is taken care of, but things happen. It could be things like a death in the family, someone in the hospital, Erin herself being in the hospital, money matters, School, and countless other things. Just give her time and you will find out.
    MVPdrose, sonicol1 and penfoldex like this.
  5. Yea guys you are lucky she is even doing this! Thanks Erosego for hosting this awesome contest
    sonicol1 likes this.
  6. I'm sorry for complaining erosego take your time!
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  7. Wait just one minute...
    At 2:20, sonicol1 is holding a zombie head.
  8. holy crap...... I declare a haxor! and ps i will buy it from you soni!
  9. Uh…no he's not. :confused:
  10. yes, yes he is. go back a little before 2:20 and pause right when the pictures of them come up. you will see it. I saw it
  11. Yeah…Sonic's not the one holding it. That's Jabr.
  12. Screen Shot 2013-03-04 at 10.01.23 PM.png here is a picture of it. Just to clear things up.
    britbrit3197 likes this.
  13. yep. We have a haxor on the loose!!! hahahahhahahah
    uglydragon likes this.
  14. Eh, close enough.
  15. If you drop an anvil on a zombie, it has a really small chance of dropping a head. No hacker here. Maybe...
  16. Eh... That was me...

    Jabr was missing so I disguised as him for her video... and I had taken off my zombie head I commonly wear haha.
  17. Hahaha nice one aikar
  18. great job aikar. Ruining the damn economy in as many ways as possible huh? :cool:
  19. Aikar, aikar, aikar, aikar, aikar, aikar, aikar. You're so aikarish.