[Event] Climb to the top! (Over 2 DC's of promo prizes)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by jewel_king, Feb 1, 2021.


Will you be participating?

Yes! 11 vote(s) 78.6%
No! 3 vote(s) 21.4%
  1. Hey everyone! :)
    As some of you may know I enjoy parkour and speedrunning,
    And I wanted to share one of my favorite maps with my favorite server!
    And what better way to do that than to host an event on it and give away a ton of stuff :D

    How to enter: Record a video of you competing the Parkour linked below
    the players with the top 3 times will receive bigger prizes

          • Video is required for proof of completion
          • Post entries on this thread
          • Time stops when your username turns orange
          • The username of the player in the video must match the forum post
          • You may not use training mode or creative
          • No alt accounts
          • All normal EMC event rules apply

    February 14 at 11:59 PM EMC time


    1st place: first pick of DC of custom items
    2nd place: remaining DC of custom items
    3rd: Iron voucher + remaining custom items
    everyone: 64 carrot juice divided between all entries (remaining go to 3rd)

    Please note: I did not make this map and DOES have some ads for the creator.
    EMC staff have given me permission to host this

    Thank you to EMC staff for allowing me to host this, Hielke for making an awesome map
    and everyone who takes the time to compete!

    607, Krysyy, Eviltoade and 11 others like this.
  2. probs give this a go...
    out of curiosity, what's your pb?
  3. 8:45 :)
    luckycordel and DaybreakerMC like this.
  4. I prefer creamy myself
  5. oh wow. On my 3rd attempt now lol
    Sefl and jewel_king like this.
  6. answering a question I got
    If you want to restart the fastest way is using /trigger restart
    Envine and Sefl like this.
  7. Just gave my first attempt (not recording) just familiarize myself with the map... was a time of 22m 58s :eek: Improvements time!
    607 likes this.
  8. Better than my first attempt which was around 35mins. Including me chucking a turd in the middle of it and getting lost
    have to say though, quite a fun map. There’s some thing addicting about trying to beat my own score over and over.
    Sefl likes this.
  9. If anyone is interested in learning more about the map (hopefully jewel is okay with me posting this on the thread) I will be live tonight doing my speed runs on the map! https://www.twitch.tv/sffl44
    607, luckycordel and jewel_king like this.
  10. I hope lots of people participate in this. It sounds like so much fun! I know I will do a run, won't be competing to win - just for the fun. :)
    607, Eviltoade, MoreMoople and 4 others like this.
  11. Let's give this a shot...
    22 mins 59 sec... yeah I got some work to do.
    Let's get grinding!
    jewel_king likes this.
  12. Tips for those competing:
    • If your planning to try multiple times for a better time, do the whole thing a couple times to learn where to go first
    • Watching speedruns can be a good way to learn quicker paths
    • /trigger restart (restarts the map)
    • /trigger training_mode (sets you to training mode where you can save and redo parts to practice
    Might edit to add more

    If your having trouble with something feel free to send me a message and ill try to help best I can :)
  13. I was doing this without ever watching another Person doing it and got in 11;05 or something and now I watched some people do it I see the a,mount of shortcuts that can be made, plus the damage boosting on slime blocks. May learn to do that
    DaybreakerMC likes this.
  14. If we record (and upload) every attempt, may we upload our current best time as it comes up, or should we only make "one" submission?
    607 likes this.
  15. Feel free to upload as many as you want :)
    607 and Ethy202 like this.
  16. My first attempt was ~18 min, but I wasn't all to happy with that, so I did two or three more and got it down to 13:51. I'm only going for the participation trophy anyway, so that's good enough :p
    I have done some speed running in the past, but I really don't have the time to grind right now.
    Also: I have always been really bad at it. :p

    I'll just post the video here :)

    I will say that, if EMC parcours challenges were a lot more like this, I would actually consider participating in those too. I am really bad at being precise / doing something without mistakes, and parcours like this, where you can mess up a few times (even when that doesn't give you the best time) is a lot more fun than having to restart completely every time you do the tiniest thing wrong :p
    607 and jewel_king like this.
  17. time of 831 approved! thanks for entering :)
    607, luckycordel, Sefl and 1 other person like this.
  18. I might as well just put every one of my attempts in here lol, even made a yt playlist. You only have to worry about the video marked PB, and I'll make a post here whenever I get a new PB. I'll probably improve 982 (16 mins 22s) to something lower, but don't know if I'll put in the effort. May as well enter with what I have now!
    luckycordel and OriginalScuf like this.

  19. I had a great time doing this. I completed 3 full runs of the parkour. Here is my third run, I don't think I will have time to complete anymore before the event is over.

    My times are as follows respectively: 5558 seconds, 2502 seconds, 1969 seconds.

    Hope more people will participate. :)
    607, MoreMoople, luckycordel and 3 others like this.
  20. luckycordel and DaybreakerMC like this.