[event] All of minecraft!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by jewel_king, Mar 14, 2021.

  1. Heya all!
    Time for another event :)

    Goal: Beat minecraft on the provided seed

    -Must be in 1.16.5
    -Must be on the provided seed
    -No mods with the exception of performance ones (Optifine may not use zoom)
    -Must be in singleplayer
    -Game must be on normal difficulty
    -Survival mode only during runs (other modes may be used to test etc)
    -There is no limit on attempts
    -No using beds to kill the dragon
    -No glitches or exploits
    -No bonus chest

    Video is required for verification
    Time starts when the world finishes loading in

    edit: time starts when the world loads in, time stops when the credit screen starts

    Deadline: April 1st, 12:01 AM EMC time

    Top 3: 2021 Aikar new years head
    All participants: 5k rupees

    Seed: Chad (First word that popped into my head when looking at the seed box and it turned out to be a good one lol)

    Credit to daybreaker for helping with this idea
  2. The name of the seed is chad ? Like no long list of numbers . I didn’t even know you could name a seed.

    This seems cool. I really like this. Might steal this for something but you know with a different seed.
    jewel_king likes this.
  3. I love this idea! I won't do it. I just don't feel like spending the time right now. But I love it! Back to basics!
    jewel_king likes this.
  4. How much prep is allowed to be done? (Like can I make notes of all the notable places/ores in a notepad to refer to or simply blind only runs?)
    jewel_king likes this.
  5. The intention is NOT blind. Full research is allowed.
    607, jewel_king, UltiPig and 2 others like this.
  6. This does seem cool, but I don't have any way to record beyond the replay mod...
    So I'll have to pass.
    jewel_king likes this.
  7. OBS is free to download, its what I use :)
  8. so is "beating minecraft" supposed to mean fighting the dragon? i mean minecraft is a sandbox game afterall :p
    pewdiepiggy likes this.
  9. beating the game = when the credits start

    adding clarification to OP
    FadedMartian likes this.
  10. OBS doesn't work on my computer with minecraft. I have literally tried everything.
    Kryarias likes this.
  11. sorry for the delay, was traveling today,

    If you would like we could meet in a discord call and screenshare it?
    UltiPig likes this.
  12. bump!
    just under 12 hours left
  13. I have a pretty good line I think but I keep dying to the dragon so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post a run lol
    jewel_king likes this.
  14. sadly it seems I made this too difficult, Thank you to everyone who attempted it!

    Prizes will go to my next event
    DaybreakerMC and naMrorriM like this.