Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Not that I know of anyway. There may be a thread that exists bu if it does then its never used.
  2. So, I'm almost done more or less. Need about two stacks of sandstone and a stack of glass panes too to finish things off :)
  3. awesome ill get on asap, i think theres a desert west of the island
  4. Minerva Town Hall is now more or less finished (the outside anyway). If anyone hasn't visited Minerva then
    look on live map and sail out there and make it your smp2 base! :)
  5. Wild I have 6 stacks or so of sand stone for you
  6. thanks again wild for all your work
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  7. Nice place. who's going to be there ?
  8. lots of water
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  9. Its a new please lukafolz wants to start
  10. Hmm, saw luke on other place. but that would be a nice place
  11. yeah, he's started his own town to the west of the Volt/Stoneguard Interchange.
  12. Lukafolz has told me his town will be Second Neorepublican if he can have fairly autonomous control:)
  13. Chairperson nominations are now open for the election at the start of June 2014. If you are an Estonan citizen and want to nominate yourself then just place your name on a sign on the nomination board in front of Nation Hall in Maximus over the next few days. Elections will then take place at the start of June. As per normal procedure the newly elected Chairperson will then be able to choose the Mayor's of the town's as well as Foreign Minister and Peace Corps General. 2014-05-27_15.59.44.png
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. siniy this skin is for you!

    Attached Files:

  15. Do any other Estona Peace Corps want Peace Corp skins?